Dd 8 12
Well we're back in business with the puppy to go to the daycare centers and she is a live wire---- it's very interesting to watch her... When we first let her run around the the room I live in... and eventually we put her in the cage that jimney was in it's a big one.. she was upset and she did manage to stand up on her hind legs and complain. which was wonderful because she was very steady on both back legs for quite a while--- I like that--then eventually in the process of feeding dinner we let her out and then put her back in the cage with food and she couldn't quite figure that out.. and then after larkey and Carl and sizzle had eaten I let her out again and she spent a great deal of time running in and out of that cage sort of like I can't believe the door is open... and she did that again this morning for quite a while interesting.. and I'm delighted to report she moved her bowels and peed on the deck twice. but then came in and put one piece of stool right in front of me I don't know where that came from she'd already gone but it sort of leftover...
and no I don't have a name for yet it may be a while before we figure that out or she names herself or something... do we have anything to do with this morning judy..?no?
Well we certainly have errands to run so I will put her in the car with larkey... she seems to have identified him as the one to follow around and we may as well get her used to it.. for some reason I thought we had a case of canned food---but if we do I don't know where it is so we have to go get some of that this morning along with purina pro plan puppy food giant puppy food.. she's already had one beta vitamin pill.. and we are off and running... My intentions with her are for her to stay here with us I don't wanna say larkey's replacement because he's only three years old or maybe he's 4 but she certainly is a nice Harlequin to go to daycare centers and things.. that doesn't eliminate totally the cardboard carton full of a puppy litter where Janine might pick up one of them for me to “process”--that is trained to be a good canine good citizen... you just never know... and before you all squawk... remember I started this whole thing in downtown Boston with the queen size bed and eight danes.. I have no idea how I managed to do that but I did and I've got pictures to prove it-----so there!!