Saturday, August 24, 2024


You may not believe this but the problem with getting the daily doggie out on time now is affected by the fact my leg is no longer in rap my leg is no longer wrapped up which means that I can get up and take a shower get dressed normally except for the extensive grease job then required By the dermatologist who highly recommends EUCERIN as long as it's it is checked off all the way to the right...  apparently it comes in different strengths and is labeled intensive repair.. the only thing on mine is at the moment is the elastic socks which I did buy and someone probably Judy put away somewhere we have a lot of time of trouble finding these somewheres where people put things a lot of stuff comes in and I never see it again.. like the opera gloves lovely white gloves shoulder length just stop me from scratching any itches in my arms..  they're gone carefully put away somewhere... along with the two dozen white gloves that I should be wearing at night and I will as soon as I find them maybe.

being minus the extensive wrapping of my lower left leg means I can shower normally ...I like that my only problem now is the wobbly shower stool it seems to be minus a screw or something I must attend to that.

I don't think we have any jobs to go to over the weekend except there are a couple outfits coming here. and then a bunch of people learning to walk donkeys and some of the donkeys are doing quite well ------donkeys are an unknown wealth in the United states. and if you watch very carefully in Gaza they are still working over there carefully pulling cards wherever they have to go.  you don't see any horses in that mess .

I should but probably won't get to it... have vests made for the donkeys then simply say vote... why not.. I can remember when Obama was first speaking here in Boston someone wanted to borrow Mary but I was afraid of the crowd some people think it's cute to hit a donkey... because if you scare them enough they won't move frightened donkeys don't move.... frightened horse will break your neck or anything else that happens to be in the way.... but the steady donkeys I made fun of...  go figure...