Saturday, August 10, 2024

 dd 8 10

Just when you think you've heard it all you learned something new...  who would expect buying a dog should get complicated but it certainly does...  hopefully Elizabeth has located a real live puppy for Janine and she to go look at and pick up baby next tomorrow but the rest of the story is that all these places are online that say they have a Harlequin puppy for sale and 16 people are already looking at it so you better act quickly and send in $300.00 deposit and then I will meet you halfway with the dog like from Virginia to New Jersey or whatever   ------They don't t have a dog all they've got is an Internet bunch of pictures... and they'll string you along for $300.00 deposit until you say you wanna go look at the puppy that's when the whole thing vanishes it's funny there are quite a few supposed sellers of puppies love exactly the same wording about $300.00 deposit and meeting you halfway American ingenuity got astray..


so yesterday they knocked the front of the house off with a great bang.. it really was very exciting Wallace detached it the porch from the house while I sat in the driveway with one finger on the 911 button he finally got it detached everybody stood back and literally the porch fell off the house with a great bang the plan is now to make a patio out of that and go their merry way the tree hit it in such a way that it was really more complicated to try and repair it..  I sat in the driveway and watch the whole thing and I do have a button on my dashboard the\at Ohh calls 911


Getting rid of trash is a significant part of any repair job and I hope they weren't counting on me doing that today because I'm not hooked up ohh dear ohh dear umm