Friday, August 23, 2024

 Dd 8 23.    Yesterday no daily doggy because I was literally awake all night long and by 5:00 in the morning I'd fallen asleep getting my days turned around again is difficult but I'll give it a shot.  as I managed to sleep last night.  for the first time in a long time I could take a --- real----\\\\shower because I don't have one leg and a bandage so I'm looking forward to that//.


 puppy progress is is progressing...  My biggest problem with her is she jumps up on you.. which means her back legs are wonderfully strong but I'm telling you if she continues that as she gets older and bigger that's going to be a larger problem so that's what I'm working on at the moment she is very active and and she can stand for a long time quite nicely on her back legs..   


Janine and Carly managed to get yesterday's daycare center done very nicely they had a good time and we have that daycare in Wakefield to do today which is one of our favorites it is the first floor we can take the donkeys no problem and after we finish at 11:00 it's time for Nelly Thorpe to open which is my very favorite ice cream stand so I think I'll manage to get that to go on that job today..  other than that I have no news to report everything else is political


I have in my new emails list I believe one point 4K I'm afraid I'm just gonna have to wipe out the whole thing without looking over it I just never could manage so if you've got something out there that I should read send it to me tomorrow\