Tuesday, August 13, 2024

 now for the morning poop report...... 2 outside tinkles... one significant bm inside..significant, but exceptionally tidy in tight cylindars.  

 and currently sound asleep...  i think she has some catching up to do in the sleep department... she is a baby .. she is hav ing a w0nderful time rying to figure ... which is in and which is out???

***** now for a significant  study.

there is a remarkable number  of u.s presedents whdo were raised by a single parent-- thanks to diana. nine of them..actually 9 plus 2 

that is 11 out of 45???  statistic wise that is huge///. and worth consideration??? it is nearly the same as the number that have been shot at.....  can someone find that one out???
ok so hands up for who wants to be shot at?-----osha could never deal with those numbers...  

problem of the day--- the ;;;my.... front door gets stuck shut--- would never do  if there was a fire drill... iwell there are 2 other doors... but a stuck door is my biggest problem of the day...