Wednesday, August 28, 2024

 Dd 8 28

My heavens... such an uproar..... Because I mainly didn't describe as carefully as I should have done..  the henny penny will stay at the 756 bricks..... that it has been all along and that is what's keeping us going very nicely the way we are ....please and thank you...  however... if I am going to try and stay ahead of whatever is happening or make any plans for the future I need to know whether there are enough people to support something like maybe two teams of people which would involve developing another larkey... if at all possible..   but you do get the picture heaven knows the need is out there... and we are very capable of filling that need... I'm talking trucks trailers etcetera etcetera but if we are to start out two teams of people some things would have to be doubled..or. If we get a lot of seniors coming in these buses are we gonna need more than two tables undercover in which case we'd have to clean out the giraffe 10 and move or by more tables so people could sit in there ..   there's just things I need to try and figure out ahead of time and to try and see what kind of support we would have is perfectly logical 
sorry if it upset anybody I do notice 20 some odd people ran out and gave us a donation quickly which was very nice thank you..


now one other thing for which I was not prepared....   it never occurred to me that if I asked for someone to come help drive me to a daycare center with my dogs that that should be a personal expense...  I don't think so ---but let me run it by you all just in case..  I have just so many hours in the day and just so much energy etc and I am happy to donate my time and energy in the most efficient way..  I am an excellent dog trainer and handler and I am a lousy bookkeeper...  so for me to spend hours trying to solve a bookkeeping problem makes no sense if there is someone out there who could whip through this Verizon account and decide whether we are doing it correctly or not..  the reason I'm suspicious and want verification is it somewhere in the last month or so Verizon took $500 out of my checking account and I don't know why --mostly why because  that nice round Number of 500--- and then shut off my phone????   at any rate.. I could tackle the whole thing myself actually I have listed all my checks in one place to start with but to try and sort it out it's gonna involve going to a Verizon store where hopefully they can figure it out but I have my doubts whether that would be a one shot deal or not -- the whole project should be handled  by someone who's better at it than I am--so that I can continue to take the dogs places in community service. 

Maybe I have it wrong but it seems to work out that people would rather watch me managed the dogs then to watch me try and straighten out the Verizon account... 

This concept has far reaching ramifications and complications---let's try a simple gas bill --in my head I figure at least one tank full of gas a month should be paid for by the charity---which comes out of the henny penny--now I don't keep track of how many times I get or charge any gas So what I have in my head may not be reality... but that's what I was trying to do since I hardly ever have the charge card I am sure I pay for more gas then was actually in THE PLAN... that's just the way it goes ----if you can't find the charge card get a check from carlene..  and I don't keep track but the checks are there in my banking account and if anybody is really picky about it you are certainly welcome to go through it all....  who ate how much of the 12 pizzas I ordered eight years ago is not too high on my list of things I supposed to do... somebody has to look at the big picture.   the mission statement