Thursday, August 15, 2024


i have  to admit I have never managed to house train a dog.. they somehow managed to become house trained but I can't say as I worked on it----- I watched people up and down boxford Rd. Walking dogs on leashes and thinking if I've ever I had to do that with my dogs I don't think I would have owned a dog.. somehow I have always had access to a very limited fenced area for potty purposes..


However... I now have what has been called “my puppy” and I do have time to think about how I could and should do this also because the Wednesday veterinarian who seems to be a good veterinarian with a sense of humor.. has given me the official” how to house train a puppy..."


It is a long complicated set of instructions about putting your treats in the left pocket and the right pocket and telling the dog good dog and bad dog and stuff like that it's just that that that just is beyond me ----I prefer to sit and think about it so I did.


there are a couple training things that are basic to me-----one is you never use your muscles to control a dog (unless absolutely necessary..) and you don't use treats when you're trying to teach them anything.


first of all if you're using your muscles to make them do something they don't want to do you already have a negative reaction going there ---it may be minor but sometime major....   and if you start giving them treats their mind will be on the treat not whatever you're trying to teach them so basically you learn to carry treats and feed the dog.

I also think that has very young babies there is an instinct to get out of the nest to pee and poop I watched them at 2 weeks old try and get out of the nursing area and get away from mommy's nose they may be just getting away from her licking them or it may be just a natural instinct to get away from the nest or sleeping area..  whatever.....i do think there is a natural instinct to get away from the sleeping area... so I try and capitalize on that


So what I've started and would like to brag about because I have this morning two outdoor poops as proof that she went out twice.. I started with the going outside--on to the little deck attached to the room. no treats just “outside “as we walk through the door many times   I refrain from using “inside “as the opposite because it sounds too much alike but within a day if I went anywhere near that door and said outside then she went outside..  so now I could sit in my chair and watch her and if her tail was up and her nose down I could yell outside and she went outside..   Right at the moment I am looking at great success... 12 hours overnight. 2 poops....,... could be success or accidental stupidity..  whatever I'll take it.


Stay tuned....