Monday, August 26, 2024

8 26

I was doing really well with the puppy for a while but as of today she seems to wanna eat every everything insight and to insist on lying with sizzle or lockie and cleaning up their feet so of course they can't sleep with that going on she just seems to be a nervous wreck today nothing 20 miles wouldn't cure so I think today is concentration will be how to run next to the golf cart   we almost had it yesterday yesterday she was not on a leash today if I put her on a leash so that she has to run in a certain spot I think that would be better

I do think she has worms and not worms--- fleas ---she spends an awful lot of time trying to clean herself up.  Just to finish a report on penny I am happy to say I have seen her lie with her back legs absolutely out straight...  the story on that is my father born in 1900 told me when I was picking a puppy to pick the one who lay lied lay down with his legs absolutely straight Outback he was born in 1900 now Fast forward 2 probably 2000 I was trying to X-ray a stud dog for possible hip dysplasia and when we had him on the table we were supposed to twist his legs very slightly and pull them straight back for the X-ray.. and in the process of doing that the vet tech told me that she could tell his hips  were fine Because if they weren't you couldn't even get them in this position so I was very happy to saee Poor sizzle good girl go ahead go aheadpenny lie with her legs absolutely straight back.

Poor sizzle she was lying very quietly on bed #2 when penny went over to join her and proceeded to clean their feet with such ferocity that sizzle had to get up and move back to bed #1 there is a definite preference for bed #1 next to the next to the window which is right now we're lucky is..

Her lesson of the morning is ----no don't touch this... whatever this is,,, and I don't take it away from her we'll put it back where it was with a very severe “no don't touch this” because if you take everything away from her so she can't chew it all what's happening is she's teaching you to get things out of her reach whereas if you put things back where it was and just try and concentrate which is difficult but

just tell her “no don't touch it” then you've made great strides forward.. I think all my dogs know “leave it”..

I have often demonstrated that when eating my lunch or supper of some convenience stool, and have a dog come over and look longingly at my lunch and I just say “leave it” and I don't move it out of their way.  And they will sit back longingly and look at it but they wouldn't dream of touching it--- at least that is when  I'm there---- I don't think I'd leave the room although I just might be able to with some of them like sizzle.. with penny I don't seem to be able to keep track of what's right next to me on the floor because three Times Now she's grabbed something out of that pocket book of mine and she hasn't get got that no that’s not to be touched. 

Another spot I have used that concept successfully is to be in my golf cart and to start to go down to pick up the mail and when I get to where the gate was I stop and say “no you don't come any further “they --- that's both sizzle and locky--- stop and look at me and I have been able to go all the way down get the mail and come back and they're still standing there that's also not happened a couple times but they do know what that means which is sometimes very lucky. Another time it's more spectacular is to be in a wheelchair getting pushed toward the check in at the hospital clinic and just say whoa the lackey while they're pushing me and he stops and stands there which is very interesting as people get off the elevator and he is just standing in the middle---

doctor's appointment first thing this morning--- well 9:00