Monday, August 5, 2024

 dd 8 5

I wish one of you camera people would look into this project-----Kamilla---  was apparently raised by a single mother---   and so was Obama and so was Bill Clinton???? how many more are there back through history which might be interesting to figure out..


Just so you get “the picture”  --per the doctor bunch.... I am to take  7 pills morning  4 at night plus warfarin 3 mon wed fri and 2 tues thurs sat...Plus 2 antibiotic 4 times a day and a  300mg shot every 7 days..change bandage on forehead every 2 days..and bandage on the leg every wednesday. Got all that....?? I will tread very lightly over the fact that I was told to empty my bladder every hour with the door to the bathroom locked and cameras all over the place ... I’m Supposed to keep all that straight --well with judy's help I nearly do.. there's only one pill given 2 pills twice a day which are the size of horse medicine and terrible to try and swallow so I have found that out of the capsule it does mix with pudding so that's four spoonfuls of pudding I have to have every day also.. along with a swig of yogurt we get the dilantin down without having my stomach complained.   and I'm considered fairly healthy--- would you believe it


Dermatology at 8 and Woburn children at 10. And it is 7am now...i hope janine rises to the call and gets animals? Donkeys? organized---  sounds like I should take 2 dogs and plan to meet her in woburn

Let us pray  rushing.....