Sunday, August 18, 2024

 dd 8 18

stolen from elizabeth warren’s political web page.... but so true


it is related to my husband’s medical practice ----  to see 2 patients every 15 minutes( which really screwed up every  appointment book printed. of one every 15 min)  not only that but  i did hear with my own ears...” it would be medically incorrect for me to prescribe birth control pills without a pap smear.”was the rule for years !!  i have heard the exact words from some vets...”it would be medically incorrect for me to give a rabies shot without a physical exam”....

fine ... well then   i will get my mandated rabies shot at the fire station for $2. or tractor supply. for $7...

welllllll.  i  could not find fire station with rabies clinics.. so i asked bryan ( equine vet) to do all our rabies at once for cost plus rabies vaccine,,, rabies shot has to be done by a vet who certifies that they got it !

this story  of the initial $300 vet charge is absodlutely true-- when we picked up penny, she had a distict gurgle i wanted someone with educated ears to listen to...  so i took her to. the friendly wednesday vet..   who now knows us a little--  but he said  “to be medically correct i should do xrays-- but personally my gut feel  is wait and see what happens next... and you seem the gut feel type”. TRUE !

WE ave start4ed the day---