Thursday, August 8, 2024

 dd 8 8

Dd 8 8  

The great puppy search.. nearly all consuming timewise....


Janine finally agreed we are a little behind the “call” for dogs.. if if larkey should even hiccup we're gonna be scrounging looking for dogs to entertain so that we really ought to have a young pup coming along.. finally she agrees and agreeing means that she stopped nagging me about either yes or no so I have spent probably 4 hours yesterday searching the Great Dane Harlequin female puppies available and there there are a few and they're all over the United states but I maybe found one and I um don't know whether it's in Virginia or North carolina or something but down there somewhere Harlequin and the distinguishing factor I like is the fact that the father weighs 200 lbs and the mother 160..  those are big dogs..  whereas many of the others that I found the father was about 130 and the mother 110 those are going to be that that lightweight variety and I do like the great big heavy so that's why I would like to look into this one with the 200 LB father of course that could be fat but let's see what happens ------if anybody can find anything I should look at please let me know it takes forever to sort through all this and there are puppy handlers apparently organizations that try and get a handle on the selling of puppies what we did run into with somebody in New Jersey who took a $300.00 deposit and we had to kiss it goodbye they didn't have any puppies for God bless the Internet for finding another way to rip it off.


In the meantime Bella is doing a fantastic job from one of my puppy graduates”.  ziti..  last I heard she was tracking down her last parvo shot.


Having George be picked service dog of the year is certainly one of the highlights of my career--- one of the unknown highlights of my career is the fact that I did have an entire litter of puppies who picked up parvo very young age and with a great deal of effort they survived ----they all survived...  with an awful lot of intravenous fluid ---paper towels-- rubber gloves--Plastic bags etcetera it's a very messy illness---   two exits no waiting---


On the topic of the  farm.. In general I realized that in 1979 when I left Linfield and move to Ipswich an awful lot of just plain stuff..  came with me. from tractors to screwdrivers I had a pretty well equipped farm in Lynnfield and with a great deal of difficulty I shifted it all tips switch..  and then as life went on here and I needed anything or the farm needed anything or any of my animals needed anything I just added it to the collection with absolutely no idea anyone was going to question who belonged to what screwdriver..   possession was never questioned..  we shared as needed.. and generally if we didn't have what was needed I just bought more....  so you can argue all you want over a $400 expenditures in 2013..  But the reality is ---or was-- sharing possessions with anybody who needed them..  Along the way I'm sure I lost an electric screwdriver or two...  but the concept of sharing was extremely workable..  sharing to the point of having somebody from California ask if they could come stay upstairs at our house for a few days and I said yes even though I didn't have a clue who they were..  the rules were always the same no smoking no drinking and you get up at 7:00 in the morning have some coffee and then do whatever we are doing by way of taking care of the farm and the animals 

and it worked.  And we had fun..  And the woman who job it was to provide a bowl of whipped cream reminded me of that.