Monday, August 19, 2024

 Actually I was shocked and amazed have 3 donkeys come out of the barn at a relatively controlled jog trot with three women attached to a lead rope almost as good as the packed borough raised donkeys they were all travel trotting straight ahead and it was a go progress is being made of course we need about 20 donkeys but we're getting there I we're we're doing better than I thought we would be at this stage of the game..  and the visiting the daycare centers with the donkeys is really no particularly bother as long as the trailer just plain stays hooked up so we just have to throw a couple donkeys on the trailer and drive off and we're all set um we are working slowly to have lockie be slightly more tolerant of the donkeys when they are visiting and that still is a a situation that has to be addressed because if he ever got decided to chase him it would be bad so when we do nursing homes with both species.  we put him back in the car before we get the donkey out last week's visiting in Ipswich at the riverbend it was really very nice and I did write it up for the newspaper and hopefully that'll be in this Wednesday


We have done our homework or actually Elizabeth has--- in that all the animals have their rabies shots in the paperwork the certificates are in are copied and are in the glove compartment of both the truck and my car so that wherever it's needed we should have it hopefully we won't need it --so as long as the trailer stays hooked up it's a very simple matter to put a few horses or donkeys or something on it to go to these nursing homes all we need are more volunteers I cannot handle everything nor can Janine so to really do a nice job we need more volunteers so get at it...


I do have a pikkle  report to make this morning--  thinking back to having ziti here for a few days weeks whatever I was cognizant of the fact she pees a lot very often and I was afraid of urinary tract infection and I did have her urine checked um as did Bella who now has her but the frequency of the pedal was appalling and now that I have penny I have noticed the frequency of the penny piddle  is about the same as the CD piddle which was not an infection but a a young u female dog’s problem..  in all probability


And a lot of my chosen medical treatment is of the probability  kind..