Sunday, August 11, 2024

 dd 8 11

My mind is very busy this morning with an idea the has possibilities ..  Identify a problem and then solve it OK we have well documented the fact that daycare centers and nursing homes are desperate for entertainment and dogs are entertaining and so are donkeys and a few other things but at any rate is there any way that we can basically improved that situation and immediately I thought my most--- one of my most biggest that's not correct English but my biggest expense of course is food being being a Great Dane person...  we were blessed for so many years with 8 pallets of food every two months which fed at that time the fact that we had about 50 puppies a year well we certainly had 50 puppies one year in about 2015 and not quite that many other years but a lot of puppies and for that we graduated one or two dogs a month...or you know every once in a while ---return on the money just wasn't there...   and could it be better spent elsewhere I think so


 is there any way---- well let me start this way--- what let me start with the finished product which would be a card from purina where you could get the signature of a activities director he would also sign for how many people you had seen and after you seen---No make that after you've been to X number of places you got a bag of dog food. or you get a certificate for a bag of dog food..   I can see tyiing in the canine good citizen With the operation and maybe for openers all the person has to do is bring their dog in to share and demonstrate the canine good citizen test that would least get people in there with something to look at and talk about don't get into the frying pan at least at the moment although that frying pan feeding does seem to be trouble free I I see no problem with it so far after how many thousands of people the whole concept 

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certificate for one bag of dog food for every five nursing homes or something everybody would it would be a win win while putting some of the weight on the AKC for describing that canine good citizen test which is the relatively good test I I I approve of that     I don't approve of everything. 


It needs a lot of tweaking... but there is a very valid concept there..  and I just might have the name of the person I dealt with so many years ago and ended up giving us 8 pallets of food every two months  . If you look at it from the standpoint of investment versus results.. this idea would get much better results as witnessed by our chart of the last few months where we saw over 5000 people I think it's what it says..


it needs a lot of tweaking but the concept is there and that's what's in my head this morning---I also have put it now in janine's head---and she could not think of a reason off the top of her head why it was an idiot's idea...   so we're going to keep thinking about it we would have to include any of these therapy dog people also--  but if you if your purpose is to have them come into the nursing home and spend a few minutes and then go away without being liable for anything it seems to me if they came in and demonstrated the canine good citizen test and somehow this was called a share our Dogs or something


this could have a nationwide effect---which is something I did promise Charlie I would keep thinking about..  in his case it was how to get the smart TV's on the explore channel which I still am working on but this thing with the food go ahead people tell me everything that's right and wrong with it


 ohh Lord