Monday, February 10, 2020

also feb 10 2020
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From: Cannon, Deborah L. (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DHCPP)
Date: Mon, Feb 10, 2020, 8:19 AM

C. Cruise ship quarantine
Date: Fri 7 Feb 2020 11:49 PM ET
Source: National Public Radio [edited]

People who are quarantined aboard the Diamond Princess in Japan have been wondering how long their isolation will last. On [Fri 7 Feb 2020], a health official gave an answer they might not like: the quarantine will be extended every time a new case of the Wuhan coronavirus is confirmed on the ship.

The coronavirus quarantine that has kept some 3700 people aboard the cruise ship is currently set to expire on [19 Feb 2020] -- but that date would be reset if any new samples from people on the ship test positive for the virus, Dr Michael Ryan, executive director of WHO's Health Emergencies Program, said on [Fri 7 Feb 2020].

An additional 41 cases were confirmed early [Fri 7 Feb 2020], bringing the total among passengers and crew to 61. Those samples were part of the initial screening -- meaning those confirmations don't require a new 14-day quarantine to begin. Then on [Sat 8 Feb 2020], officials announced they had confirmed 3 more cases, making a total of 64.

Princess Cruises had announced that the previous group would end their quarantine on [19 Feb 2020]. Among those people, Japan's health ministry had taken samples from just 273 individuals who were deemed to be in an at-risk group, based on their recent travels.

Before the latest announcement, some of the passengers spoke with NPR. "I've been very relaxed," [a passenger from] Florida said of the quarantine's early days, in an phone interview with NPR's Rebecca Davis. But he added that he's now starting to get nervous: "If more and more and more people are getting sick on this ship, what are we doing here? This is crazy."

If the cruise ship were a country, it could already claim the 2nd-highest number of coronavirus cases outside of mainland China. Now passengers are hoping no new cases emerge. "It is difficult for people who get caught up in that situation, because they are confined," WHO's Ryan said at a [Fri 7 Feb 2020] news conference. While the quarantined passengers' physical health is at risk, he said their mental health should also be supported. "It's quite scary -- very, very scary -- to be in that situation," Ryan said.

WHO has been working with Japanese officials to devise a way to organize the passengers into cohorts, Ryan said. The idea is in smaller groups, fewer people would be affected when a new patient is identified. "Because at the moment, every time there's a new case, the quarantine extends 14 days" for everyone on the ship, Ryan said. "So we need to find a way to break that vicious cycle" and get people off the ship as quickly as possible after they're cleared by health screenings. But he cautioned, "There's a lot to work out."

The WHO position adds new clarity to circumstances aboard the cruise ship, which is docked at Japan's Yokohama port. On the ship, passengers -- including some who had already spent 2 weeks aboard the vessel before the quarantine doubled their stay -- are told not to leave their rooms. They visit the deck in shifts, for a rare breath of fresh air.

"My concerns are what happens next," a passenger from Australia, told NPR's Rebecca Davis via text message. "We don't have a clear plan of what is going to happen," she added, citing the risk of new cases. [This passenger], who has been posting messages to social media about her experience on the cruise ship, was on a trip along with her husband, daughter, and 1 of her 2 sons when their vacation was unexpectedly extended by the quarantine. Despite her worries about how long her family will have to wait before they can leave the ship and resume their normal lives in Melbourne, [she] said she doesn't have any complaints about the way they're being treated during the quarantine. "I'm not worried about our quarantine on board," she wrote, adding that with care of the crew, "we are in good hands here." Still, [she] and other passengers hinted at some frustration about the lingering chance that the quarantine could be extended.

At least 10 Americans are among the people who have tested positive for the coronavirus, which is now blamed for more than 722 deaths in mainland China. The patients have been taken to local hospitals. Most of them are from Japan, but some are from Canada, Australia, and other countries.

To detect any new cases aboard the ship, the crew has distributed thermometers to passengers so they can monitor themselves. To ease the strain of prolonged isolation, Princess Cruises says it has been providing complimentary Internet and phone service, to let passengers stay in touch with loved ones. It has also expanded its TV and movie options -- and it says the ship's activities staff is bringing games, puzzles, and other distractions to passengers' rooms.

[This passenger] and her family were able to get some fresh air on Friday afternoon [7 Feb 2020], after spending all of [Wed 5 Feb and Thu 6 Feb 2020] in their room. Because they're in an inner room, she said, they got to visit the outdoors before their fellow passengers whose outer rooms have windows looking out onto the sea. "This is the 1st time we have been out since quarantine started on Tuesday night [5 Feb 2020]," she said. [Her] family joined about 50 other people -- all of them passengers in odd-numbered rooms in the inner tier on her floor "It was kinda strange being outside," she said. And definitely was great enjoying the fresh air. Being inside without windows, you lose track of time."

Passengers are asked to follow several rules when they visit the deck, [She] said. "We were asked to wear masks and gloves, not to come closer than 1m (about 3 feet) to anyone else. To wash our hands with soap and water when we return to our room." Each group gets 90 minutes outside, and there's a 30-minute gap between them. The last passengers come in at 7:30 pm, she said. Because of the large number of people and the need for them to visit the deck in shifts, some of her fellow passengers still hadn't visited the outdoors by late [Fri 7 Feb 2020], she said. As for how her family is coping with being confined to a windowless room for days on end, [she] said they're "pretty close" and can share space. Plus, she said, "My kids are happy to just put on headphones to zone us out lol."