Tuesday, May 28, 2024



Several people donated to the henny petty fund because we got TEA TENT READY.     cleaned up and opened Janine is saying we should have official opening Sunday I don't know how official it has to be but just by all means anybody and everybody come and join us I don't know if I'll be able to get a chicken Stew going but I'll certainly talk about it um and we will be here and let's see what happens.  every morning I check not only the weather but also the comments both in e-mail and on the henny penny to see what everybody's concerned about......  I thought ohh an official opening of the T10 sounds like fine by all means I don't know as we would be able to accommodate anybody flying in from Oregon but we 'LL TRY damn hard...   ..  I better  temper that comment with the fact that our accommodations for visiting camera people is a little bit reduced but there's always the RV for somebody...


Last thing I remember yesterday was a very bedraggled Janine came through the cabin having just sanded and then I think put a coat of polyurethane on one of the tables in the T10  ..  but whatever when it comes to us at goalies farm you take what you get and sometimes that's very amusing and fun we hope -....  certainly the swing set is very operational.  Hi


Now on the topic of pellet stoves we need to have some research done I am not finding that they are and a great answer to try to stay warm...   this one I have shut itself off twice last night and I had to get up and push the reset button and after about 20 minutes it would start again...   that in a cold house is not a great fun thing to do Plus looking at it from the top down....   which is what I should have done to beginning


this pellet stove I have is beautiful it looks absolutely lovely it's constructed very well and things like that apparently on the market it sells. NEW.  for around $4000 but I found it in New Hampshire at a man's house who basically repairs and resells pellet stoves he is a retired fireman and he has quite a business going because what I decided I like the looks of this stove he gave me a date two months ahead where he would be at my property to install it that's how far ahead he was booked at any rate... it does have its opinion about whether or not it will run and it's not always that it's run out of pellets last night I had had plenty of pellets and kept turning itself off when the red light was still on which was calling for heat that big old  in the stove BIG BEN  would never dream of shutting itself off midstream..   and Big Ben right now is parked right next to this pellet stove so that every time I have to get behind the pellet stove push the reset button I am reminded that Big Ben is sitting there just looking for a job... when I was researching these pellet stoves one thing that fascinated me was I did not have to stay 3 feet from it the the recommended distance the furniture was 12 to 18 inches. and I checked that with the fire department it was true.. well if you're about to install something to increase the heat in your house it seems to me it ought to be putting out heat a little bit further than 12 to 18 inches that should have been a clue. you better stay 12 to 18 inches out of away from big BEN  you're going to be in big trouble.. 


. Now the story about using scraps of lumber to make pellets is questionable...   bud came up with a story about how someone is stripping the forests in North Carolina and putting it all on a boat to go to Germany because they no longer have the amount of lumber needed to keep up with the demand for pellets.  the stripping of forests is not my favorite topic either....  scraps had a certain appeal but not raw number---- so I think that all you camera people should look into that concept where are they getting all these pellets from... and report back to me.... As for fuel for Big Ben we have trees falling down all around us and then two houses and things like that we have plenty of lumber and we do have a splitter and it's not difficult to do I would hate to have to split by hand but we do have a splitter and have done that for years...


Sizzle is being very attentive to ziti --and I'm pretty sure she has a UTI and we do have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow morning I would like to capture a sample..  yesterday Elizabeth ran over to where she'd peddled and collected a spoonful off the mat...   I tried to copy that and had zero success until she came in and told me that she had flipped the mat over to the waterproof side and that's how she got the puddle to begin with so that's where I am at the moment standing I did find a syringe in judies belongings so I am loaded and ready for action and they will go to the doctor tomorrow..