Sunday, May 26, 2024

 dd 5 25

Pretty henny pennies....   64% sold out remember the winner gets to name the baby I think I also think that was supposed to happen on the 3rd of June let us all see if we can stay organized starting with me get the numbers down and on the board.. 


I am constantly reminded by those who see me out and around with the dog how critical our visits are to people who are stuck in these daycare centers where the only thing to do

Is enjoy your milk and cookies at 10:00 and at 2:00 we will play bingo and tomorrow we'll do the same thing and tomorrow and tomorrow.  some of these people we see have not spoken or moved in years that will talk to or pat the dogs for the first time in a long time that's proving once again dogs have entirely more value that we give them credit for.

We—Janine--- are getting the farm spiffed up so that people coming in buses can enjoy a place to sit down and watch what animals we are having to play with that day the Ttent is in good shape with two big tables the tables could stand on the sanding but that's alright there they're clean and they're ready for operation and I just saw that tiny  horse who's had her spring cleaning got rid of all the long hair she's considerably smaller that I had originally thought the rest was all hair the last thing Janine did yesterday was to blow dry the dry the driveway of all things and that really makes the place look good too she also made the executive decision that we have enough white fence and that the rest could go to a needy white fence needy person so Janine  put it on this Facebook whatever and it wasn't there for 20 minutes but there was a woman who said she wanted it and it would be right down to get it and she was and she is no spring chicken either but I guess she's taking all the leftover white fence the rest of the fence will be designed with animals in mind more in mind with having 4 by 4 posts about every 10 feet and then really strong twisted wire...not   welded wire----- my preference is the red red top brand um 4 foot 5 foot or 6 foot whatever that particular animal demands and then topped with a board.. at least that's the latest plan.

Being out and around on my golf cart means I see all sorts of things that have been skipped over from the last two yrs,,----the fences are really in tough shape where either something has happened to them.   like a tree falls down and nobody fixes it or there's some kind of break and it's just ignored .. so  that we don't use that property anymore which is not quite the way it's gonna go.. the basic problem on fencing is that our fences were originally designed for raising puppies to be service dogs so that by the time they got to be one year old and older they were pretty well trained and on their way out ----our fences were not designed to have one and two year old dogs very happy strong thrilled and literally dangerous capable of jumping 4 foot ---without any trouble so somebody just went to the house area and took down a lot of our 6 foot fence to put around these virtually wild dog and they never replaced it so that had left a big hole in are planning how to manage the dogs we own ourselves I know I cannot put my puppy out in the yard to play with them because of the traffic car goes through there every few minutes parking down back which I've asked them not to do but they do anyway so I can't enjoy my puppy as I would like to fearing  she will get run over.


while I'm on the topic of cars and traffic..  I have spoken to everyone I know about the fact that Elizabeth picked up sandwich wrapper and banana peel two different times in the driveway and I picked up one of those small liquor bottles liquor nips ----I didn't notice what kind but it made me very angry that somebody would just throw it out the window and it must have happened in the last few weeks because we just had that area totally raked  and they certainly would have seen that liquor bottle in the process of raking    so I mentioned that to the next two SDP drivers to go through and one of them said “ I don't believe you”  and the second one said “who cares?”  that  shows you what we're dealing with---  I haven't managed to tell Lynn specifically  yet --but these were two of her drivers ----zero respect.


With the speed of  an ad in FACEBOOK.... I have a whole new concept of some of my “RELICs”