Sunday, May 12, 2024


i am having computer #$%^&*(). why it does that i do not know....

so much easier... It would be also nicer if I had electric wire around the whole thing to go with the fence I watched in fear that yesterday as lucky just charged the fence and went right through it it's a very light chicken wire that's surrounded right now but rather than put the electric fence around if I just charge the electric collar we'll have to sit there and hit him once or twice with the collar and I think that would cure that problem and we can use that on anybody else that needs training only problem is you have to sit there and watch it---- once or twice we'll do it.


The cup part is pretty well cleaned up for these people to walk around...  or even better to take a doggie and walk around we might conceivably need a small load of stone dust down at the lower end but other than that the path is pretty good...   as I surveyed it on my golf cart...


Now that we are out and around more we have to cut down the traffic in the driveway. so my first choice of the day

is to go out and see how the gate is anyway the gate number one I don't know whether we're gonna get around to gate #2 which would also be nice to have just to keep the different kinds of dogs separate that would give us 3 distinct dog pastors with the bond doesn't quite take the place of the dog runs that were demolished well the six foot fence was removed,, But at least there will be something. with the three kennels and the nut house having had their fencing removed, and then having the deagle house being gutted for what reason I don't know and now had a tree in it... we are severely hampered in our generic handling of animals so we need to get all that functioning again.

so outside day it is

go figure