Saturday, May 11, 2024


Our first bunch of visitors from a daycare facility came out here yesterday.. in a bus from rainbow daycare in Peabody --there were ten of them.    We as a group---that would be Janine Elizabeth and me--when from utter panic sheer relaxed capability..


if you're going to compare goldie's farm with Disney World we're not gonna make it however the relaxed atmosphere and simple enjoyment is what these people want and need and yesterday they had it..  the dogs my dogs were loose those were the dogs they had seen in their daycare so that was fun then I had them take those dogs around our pond which took the best part of 1/2 an hour but they enjoyed the whole trip and from there we went to the swing set where it was a huge hit and there we went to say the donkeys up at the gate there there again very nice.. they then sat and had lunch and very carefully picked up all their trash got back on the bus and left.,.


This is exactly what I want to promote is the casual self-sufficiency have groups of people and all I am willing to provide and able to provide is a farm which at times is a working farm sometimes working at things that are not necessarily attractive but it is an experience regardless of what's going on.


changes I would have made for that day/?

 the trip around the pond was just an afterthought It will give everybody something to do quickly while we figure out what else is going on but it turned to be the highlight or one of them of the trip fresh air water frogs whatever things they hadn't had before.. I had planned on having them go into the barn to see the pregnant donkey in her stall so that they could take home the image where she would be having the baby plus all the smells thousands of a barn--  the swing set how can I describe ----it really made Elizabeth think we should put up a second one which is definitely the case overlooking the pond would be an excellent place for another swing set people sat on it and swung for a long time and just didn't get off they just relaxed there.. thanks to chip and his engineering and welding skills it was one of our biggest attractions.. who knew????  


well I knew a bit..  I am also very convinced that perfection is expensive plus it is confining it's entertaining only to people who are impressed with perfection what it lacks casual reality and sometimes it's not as much fun..


to that end I am suggesting possibly another swing set chip if you could at least give us those two angled pieces at the top I can do the rest--I also suggested that when they come if they go around the pond they get a star to put on their chart back home when they get enough stars they get a monkey fist or whatever or whatever that doesn't cost a lot  money at any rate--  from my experience with other groups who were thrilled with the smell of the manure pile, I did think a trip to the barn  with its distinctive barn odors.. should be part of the trip..  lunch is always going to be a do-it-yourself but quite possibly it is it could have a fire barbecue involved totally do it yourself but available.


That was all really good news/


to be mixed with the fact that when we went into the facility in Danvers the day before apparently one of the dogs moved his bowels before going in the door neither Carly nor I saw it so it didn't get picked up and they complain try don't blame them we should have seen if there had been three of us it would have been seen but we had you know two dogs and a puppy and we had our hands full..our animals were more than a big hit !!!

the good part of that with it or the interesting part is a the administrator came out to play with lockie who very quickly said this guy's got funny armpits..  he said he'd never been diagnosed with diabetes... and I tried to explain that the dog was pretty reliable so far --something was odd and it wouldn't hurt if he checked with his doctor.


And we move along....thank you for all the henny pennies that make it possible...