Monday, May 27, 2024


here we go againmmmmmmmm

Dd 5 27

I'm not sure when Judy will be returning I did talk to her daughter yesterday and she said she was doing fine taking her pills I'm not sure she can drive too well with pain pills but um whatever uh I am also assuming that she's making phone calls from home and that she has more things to fill in for us Janine has done job so fabulous job cleaning up this place getting ready for the buses from daycare and we got to make sure the buses from daycare get here....  they certainly all we're very enthusiastic about  having a place to go to..


   we will have to do some dressing up of that a path which is a probably 1/4 of a mile and we want to make it hard packed stone dust that would be acceptable to both wheelchairs and bicycles and things like that..   I hate to think of another big Masterson bill to have to pay off but it looks like that may happen with that path needing a good coat of stone dust along with the manure piles that have to go away along with a couple of trees that really do need to come down/there is no end....

fortunately there are a couple people who have mentioned helping out with the setting up of goldies farm..   I guess we're all set up what we need is dressing up coat of paint here and there wouldn't work wouldn't hurt either


Budd said that the pond is now draining again after he cleared the outlet--- interestingly Janine had visions of putting in another exit pipe and all we had to do was clear the one we had but also said he will work on getting the fountains going... that's always been a special project of his—

Strangely enough to turn the fountains on and off the switch is underneath the sink which is now Elizabeth sink...

 is there any diesel expert out there in this crowd who might be able to give us some advice on these two tractors basically they start up and run a little bit and then die out ... apparently the small tractor. runs a few minutes longer than the big tractor if that makes any sense to anybody.. any help would be appreciated..

We are still moaning about the fact that both tractors are down with what could possibly be wrong fuel I don't ------s the reason I do know because I wrote the check the last time we had a total update on the larger tractor it was just a little over $3200..   ---..  My advice on diesel engines it's a little more difficult   and I bought that big dump trailer specifically so we could take the big tractor away to be fixed because just picking up and bringing the tractor back was 4 or $500. It is amazing how much we miss them when they're out commissione.  piles of material pile up.  pieces of trees sit where they don't belong and the grass needs  Attention


Janine did manage to borrow an electric mower from Meredith---and at least got much of it mowed To a respectable level.  Along with blowing the driveway we're as ready as we're ever gonna be at this time.