Friday, May 10, 2024

Fri, May 10 at 6:37 

Fri, May 10 at 6:37 AM
a letter to the pig company !!!
Sometime in the past 20 years,  someone --maybe one of your employees --donated a roll of your wonderful Flooring.
That roll of stickyback worked its way into the hearts and minds of all who worked here to prepare and donate the 200 great Danes as service dogs for not only our veterans, but many young children with mobility issues..
Perfect traction- with easy cleanup- for not only young puppies but older retired dogs.
I now find myself as one of those older retired dogs whose family thought it was time for me to retire. I prefer to think I have been repurposed.. instead of training service dogs , I now use all the dogs in my care to amuse and entertain people in daycare centers and nursing homes..  Easily meeting our goal of seeing over 100 people a week.
I am sorely missing your sticky back flooring, as our #1 repurposed, but working dog jumped  down off a tall bed and slipped on the hardwood floor.
Her remaining slight limp is constant reminder that I miss having your pig flooring as a critical part of the equipment needed to properly handle from 4 to 50 dogs.
They tell me I am no longer a service dog trainer, but I am gainfully donating my time to provide some amusement to people who are confined by health, finances, geography, family responsibilities,   or just  plain “old age”.... My expenses – (gas,  and dog food) are covered by public donation as  I am once again considered a 501C3 charity..  #93 134 4392- I totally understand that you have a payroll to meet and that takes cash--- but is there any way I can offer the use of my great Danes, or a miscellaneous collection of horses donkeys chickens and goats.. in any commercials you might be filming, ---- because my other “calling” was to provide all kinds of animals for movies and commercials filmed in New England in the past 30 years. And...... I just happened To own a merry go round pig...  
Someone just donated one matt- which is a wonderful start- is there anything I can do to earn a roll?