Thursday, May 23, 2024

 dd 5 23

A clear winner.....—the old old iron stove... I had a nest nasty run in with the pellet stove last night I was awake at 2:00 and decided to make a breakfast Patty thing in the microwave and it it did cook the whole thing and then it blew the switches which shut off everything except apparently the 220 circuits because the stove was still on and the washing machine area was still on so I assume the 220 was still working and the rest got shut off why my chair was still working I'm not sure it must have a battery back up. Somehow.  interesting that there is on normal outlet in a 220 stove. which could be very handy !!


but the problem was aside from having no heat this pellet stove which had been operating fine continue to burn pellets and make smoke except it no longer had a fan to blow it outside the house so it started blowing inside the house and as I was sitting right there next to it I began to worry about how much of that smoke was actually carbon monoxide....   and did I have one of those carbon monoxide things on the ceiling somewhere... and if it was there was it hooked into the main electrical system of the whole place in which case it wasn't working at the moment but since the place was plenty breezy I opted not to worry about the carbon monoxide at least at the moment but ----the pellet stove is actually dependent on electricity also. however the old iron stove were the logs in them stands there brave and strong. 


Today is judy's day for big surgery so everybody should worry about that please—

she has hands that don't work quite right I'm sure there's a long Latin name for it all and she has had this surgery once before and it is quite extensive but she's off to the doctor for today


I think today is the day Wallace is supposed to roto till the upper corner of the pond area so we could finally get these seeds in which fugan had sent us so kindly . Uh


other than that I plan to take another day off just lollygagging around in my chair and maybe out onto the deck.. Janine is such a big cake for fresh air..