Monday, May 20, 2024

 dd 5 20

why does this dop that????

Dd 5 20 .

I have no business even looking---- at the age of 86 and things like that-- but you know this business of not allowing dogs to be imported after August 1st has scared me ...

problem being that Claudia Bohemia kennel in the Czech Republic has absolutely gorgeous dogs all tested for everything and they look wonderful there is no way you can let one get to be 6 months old before importing it that's just not gonna work right...  but for me to even think of importing ---  I really have to be in cahoots with somebody to take the dog from me should I not be able to take care of it----   right at the moment I have only one pup is  doing very well..  noodle seems to have moved across the driveway and if he doesn't belong to them they're  certainly feeding him regularly and I believe they're looking for a home for him I don't know ---at any rate he's not in my house I have only two adults and one female pup... now somehow that wasn't a problem when Janine picked up another pub that was a question but when I decide I would like to have a Harlequin Dane pup to go with my visiting tribe everybody gets all excited about ohh no you can't have two -----well Janine brought home noodles as a second pup..   there's something not quite right there.


I am not totally alone in this dog project... there are several people back there in the woods who could bail me out if I needed to be bailed out..  just as somebody took Jimmy... who is doing very well by the way eating all kinds of whipped cream at the local coffee shop.  absolutely perfect behavior and having a wonderful time.  


So I look at the oncoming August 1st when we may no longer import dogs from Europe or anywhere outside the United states until they are 6 months old.. as a threat to the quality of dogs that will be available.  There are all kinds of channels with some really good looking dogs--my personal favorite is the Claudia Bohemia kennel in the Czech Republic..  They are closely affiliated with pet air--which I have used many times to import dogs very successfully... the only problem is there are no direct flights from the Czech Republic to Boston.. and last time Sir Richard had to be sent from the Prague to Lisbon to Boston.. 24 hours...    where if you buy a dog in Germany who's already full of the Germany rabies rules and regulation there is a flight from Frankfurt direct to Boston... and taking the dog from the Czech Republic into Germany is just too damn complicated but I look at those dogs of hers-- and they look worthy of the question “is that one of carlene's dogs”. we when out training. 


Tiz a puzzlement !!