Thursday, May 30, 2024


Dd. 5 30

If you hit your head on a stone wall long enough it is such a relief to have someone finally come along and say you can stop it now. I am still hesitant to go into too many details... Because their lawyer is proficient in marketing fear..   and let me tell you fear of a legal mess is expensive ---So I find there's a small army of people around me who are afraid to help for fear of having legal complications with the service dog projects lawyer.... Way back in the beginning several years ago Lynn made the statement to me that she did not want to pay staff to help me carry groceries up three steps. and their lawyer found that a well placed e-mail threatening legal action was enough to shut off any help to me carrying  my groceries into the house..... which mind you is upstairs or up a hill or whatever not an easy thing however... moving on...


Somebody's gonna make a fortune writing the story... and goalie has an odd way about her--- this Wednesday veterinarian---now treating noodles and ziti

is not only a veterinarian but a lawyer---a lawyer who has specialized in real estate transactions and things like that..  aside from that he's a very humorous charming fellow and Elizabeth and I thoroughly enjoyed bantering with him while he figured out who should have what shot..  and also while they analyzed the small quantity of urine that I had collected from ziti.  the sample was literally inconclusive...  So what he did was to prescribe a series of antibiotic which I should hold on to for a day or two to see if her UTI clears up by itself---not uncommon in little girl puppies..


My day will be all dental work as I finally--have the courage to go and run up a bill there--  I have been using orthopedic wax to cover the fact that I basically minus my front tooth so we'll see what we can do officially today

meanwhile Janine and somebody will be taking I believe donkeys to some daycare center in the pouring rain she's done things like that before---she will manage...


looking upward.....