Sunday, July 21, 2024

 Dd 7 21

I thught Janine was nutts to buy 2wild sounding bike type things that had to be peddled by someone ---while someone else sat in a chair I complained about the money she spent which I think was $1000 and then another 500 to get them repaired or something I mean the whole thing sounded ridiculous=====however yesterday we went to pick up one of them with the horse trailer and you know they are pretty unique and I can see I can say we will make use of them I wish we had them for that parade they would have been perfect and certainly we do need to get banners made which I will work on today so they know where they come from where they've come from.  and she's going over to feed Meredith right now and I'm told that she will be back after 9:00 and they're going to drive me around in these funny pedal bikes sometime after 9:00..  I have to admit there will be times when these things would be hysterical... while at the same time being useful to carry around people who are not the kind of people who walk,.. she also has mentally lined up several bike groups to find people who can peddle the damn things   so we now have two of them and we will be trying them out today..


As for my do not trespass signs --the process goes like this you pick up the forms at the police station you fill them out and then you get them in the hands of the person involved either by hand delivery by a sheriff or signed receipt or whatever that is from the post office and then you take it back to the Police Department and if the person is on your land then they can be arrested. No complicated lawyers no nothing..  so we are in phase two at the moment where they probably are refusing to sign for having received the mail so therefore I will go and get a whatever you call them sheriff to hand deliberate or the police.


For a very strange reason I did just this week see the office of Essex County sheriff. so I know where that is and we'll get on it on Monday morning/.


Well actually not Monday morning because Monday morning I have to give a deposition underoath I've forgotten exactly what SDP is accused  ne of.... but somehow having spent literally a fortune on establishing service dog project for some reason I'm being cross questioned about individual expenses I don't know. Maybe it was the time I paid for 12 pizzas for volunteers.   and I ate two slices myself and that would be illegal.  My allotted percentage should have been only 1 3/4 pieces of pizza..,.  how could I be so foolish


my serious job of the day is to get some banners  made which means I've got to get our logo I'm sure it's and things like that the logo is fine we're set on that we have a wonderful logo the part I'm missing is the funny little dancing woman who we could portray as Goldie. the ghost of the left hand drawer there is such a thing and I have seen it but I don't know where Janine got it and if I can get permission to use it so that's my job ----keep the faith