Friday, July 12, 2024

 dd 7 12 

I had about 150 emails saying what a nice job Bella is doing which is certainly true ..  ..  And on we go---- I did get in touch with Anne that friend of ours who was on our board and speaks 7 languages unfortunately one of them is absolutely correct English which is a little bit of a problem for me but any rate um she is from Denmark which is from whence cometh several of our breeding dogs..  that Claudia Bohemia kennel in the Czech Republic will not have puppies until September but there's an outside chance of that kennel in Denmark so how about it Ann and see how you make out...  Judy is ready to go for another round trip to Copenhagen in 24 hours which is what she did last time she likes being on an airplane she the exclusivity of being up there by yourself with no phone her children or whatever she likes it I'm certainly pleased... so stay tuned on that one.


Last night's mail call with Elizabeth and Janine was very relaxing because Janine said for once she's gotten to the point of realizing there are other people around who can do some of the jobs that she always took on.. and one of the major ones is apparently I think her name is Liz turns out to be a   knowledgeable website person.  Which means that having a simple thing like a business card would be so helpful to us when we're out in public as would the banners which we can put on the side of our car or trailer all of which have to have at least the right name which has been up in the air for a while as it started out crazy acres and now is goldie's farm sounds simple no do we have apostrophe or no apostrophe because apparently in certain situations the computer won't accept apostrophe and therein starts the problem-


And then comes the logo--  normal hen as done by our artist JC.   But for a short version on the fronty of a shirt type we all  like a graphic design—welldlllll is that copywrited or not?? And that stops us til we figure that out....

Maybe I can get it all on a photo so you can comment... I give up for the moment....