Wednesday, July 10, 2024


Hang on—this is detailed..:(

I just plain cannot deal with the automated  lahey hospital “stuff”. I apparently have missed 2 critical messages..because........

When I first opened my layey chart account , my shakey hand hit a “o” making my name means to send me a message.. the computer wants to know who this animalep person is... and what is their password.... and lahey has said they can not change my “source” name...

So I have tried to deal—but... you know..... I just can’t to try and deal with the blood clot department—and the  weekly adjustment to the blood thinner...anticoagg—and the weekly open wound department along with normal yearly physical----my shakey hand has got more shakey so add a  current typo to is just too much..—I have pads of notes with the latest passwords  for 11 accounts I need daily...—


Among all those notes is an email asking. “why don’t you order paper towels from amazon?”  because I can’t find their password—that is why.


 That is why I have had no intellectual thoughts lately. Believe it or not,,, I have run out of  four letter words with or without the !!!!!!


Well... one yesterday... Having been to the body searching department Julie and I had the two dogs with us and Janine had set up the horses and a youth center daycare center.. and the plan was for us to join her with my two dogs. We got there and we're impressed ourselves with the visual of Janine clean truck and 3 horse trailer and they were camped out underneath two lovely trees with the 2 mini horses--- spotless !!so all we had to do was park our    almost clean red forerunner it let my two dogs out to be patted etc---well I sat on a bench underneath the shaded tree..  it really was spectacular for these people who have no budget but are supposed to entertain all these children.  how happy were they to see us.. I don't know which person handed Judy  a $100 bill.. and she said it was so crowded she didn't know  who gave who gave it to her either..  


The facility had some class of social studies ?college ? students there to observe what was going on which added about 10 people with laptops hung around their necks just standing around looking.


I tried to get one of them in a conversation about how our process with the frying pans is so easily adapted just so many hundreds of people with very little effort..  in my opinion you don't have to go to a special class for six months or a year to learn to be a facility dog...  give me 2 frying pans.  a dog two people and a carton of dog treats and I don't think it would take more than 10 minutes to have that dog going back and forth between two people getting treats.. the only limiting factor there is a great big dog like a Great Dane just never gets full... although they do get thirsty... so I was trying to make a point I've tried to increase the traffic for these people who have no budget and a bunch of people who would love to share  their dogs .. the frying pans work.. the dog's head ends up right where you want it for a photograph or to be padded.. and the dog's only attention is on the cookie in the frying pan and then turning around and going back where it came from getting another cookie..   little cookies but cookies.. side note I don't think dogs can cope with quantity  as in size --big cookie versus little cookie doesn't make a difference it's the presence of the cookie in the first place.


I would really like to share the frying pan concept with the rest of the world..  because it's a situation which should be easily solved.  you get the dog trained in the living room with two people 2 frying pans and a bunch of small bits of cookie anything you drop the cookie making the noise and tell the dog to go get it and then call them back and if you can get that going you can do it in these daycare centers --- where everybody always wants to feed the dog

I will work on it----- what we need is publicity.


It's one of those situations where you want to be on the front page and there are times you don't want to be on the front page. it does seem to work we have had no problem with it.