Sunday, July 7, 2024

 dd 7 7

Sun, Jul 7 at 8:40 AM

Dd 7 7 

I did have a paragraph saying let this computer is doing weird things what is it probably be because it is too full at any rate it just wiped out that paragraph without saving it 's very annoying.  \ the most exciting thing at the moment is. Judy is back trying to uncover the place and....


 I did locate a kennel in Connecticut it seems to have Harlequin pups and I did call and yes they have puppies and yes the woman just had a baby that morning would you believe so I said I'd call back in a few days and give her a chance to get used to the child.....

Her general activities reminded me of Missy who had the baby in the front of the car truck and her husband wanted her to finish the hag before he took her to the hospital.  same woman as used to feed her children horse sweet feed omeline for breakfast.


This being Sunday I think it's hopefully a day when bud is here because I have an air conditioner which logically drips water when it's being an air conditioner but it also drips it when it's being a fan.. and this is a bucket full about every two hours or it's all over the floor so something is screwy there then although it sounds bad I was so cold last night I couldn't get the pellet stove to start so I ended up wrapped up in electric blanket -----welcome to New England..


Judy who flies on standby for free or whatever it is because her husband's a pilot---or at least the retired pilot--- flew from Hawaii to Detroit I think in nine hours I cannot imagine sitting for 9 hours she said her feet were so swollen she couldn't put her shoes on ----interesting----I guess that eliminates my going to Hawaii---  which I never really wanted to do anyway that would put me on an island with questionable drinking water because I'd be surrounded by saltwater I would not like that. 

Judy came back with tales of beautiful handicraft work her sister was doing which included bowls of all things bowls made of kitchen clothes clothes ohh ****line rope..  She had some absolutely fantastic designs for bowls and needlework and things like that and she has no market for any of it..  so it piles up hmm have to think about that.

no Sundays  stew today-- but I certainly am thinking about it    I said to Janine the iced tea tent it's going to be very hot when it gets to July... and she very quickly turned around and told me it is July...   I don't know what happened to spring this year...  I must have missed it...