Tuesday, May 9, 2023

may 9 2

May 9
th 2023


Well.... where did you leave off??? Last I knew--- which was yesterday--- lynn g and “the board”. Which again--- last I knew... had been reduced to 2 members. Lynn w and jen--- decided to  put out a notice thru their lawyer to shut down the mail call camera—and apparently the donkey camera too...i can not imaging a logical reason, except to  try and further fragment what had been a smoothly operating “crazy acres.”

And after I have tried so hard not to say any really negative things... believe me I have struggled to remain quiet.  If I had to use one word.... well.... maybe the second word I would use is “overwhelmed”. Running SDP is a huge undertaking and ... in my opinion... needs and deserves the help of a large and very varied  board to help with the mental exercises which happen daily... I always had that....it may not have been called an official “board” but I tried to stay surrounded by  people who had some speciality which would benefit SDP----like. Banking, vet med... med in general,,, construction...repairing gas engines...physical therapy... and dog trianing.. and dog/animal management... all those things----- I was lucky to have them all—and they are all.. for the most part still around. And slowly smoldering over all those detiails carefully thought out years ago- that are now tossed aside with little regard for the related consequences .  DO you want an example????- well you are going to get one.... to keep the mail separate I suggested they get a post off ice box.. and they did...in Ipswich....so a round trip to get the mail can take over  an hour- Ipswich p.o. is about 9 miles away with  traffic and  one parking place on the street. If anyone had asked........  I would have told them topfield is 2 miles away ... with parking... a round trip about 10 minutes. So mail. 6 days a week will take  hours of someone’s time. Time  is money . and sitting in a car is not training. There are easily thousands of those kind of details most which do not even touch a dog... but are critical en masse  to the successful operation of SDP.-- currently age of dog to height of fence is a big issue still in process.


.....in the pursuit of gracious living, I will not write all the things that are bothering me... fortunately I have such a terrible memory that I can only concentrate on my forward movement. Recsue roadshows ---hay bales--- daily doggie--- newspaper articles and now mail call (... and thank you for “voting with a bale of hay....”)


I thank you for all the hundreds of  supportive emails-  but... moving on.. I am. At the moment overwhelmed at collecting all those email addresses to be sure you all stay involved... because this is  only the closing of mail call at least for the moment....I AIN’T DIED YET...  there is so much more to crazy acres than dogs. historically it has done a great job with dogs—but it has also been a great place to get your wits about you to so many people who come and hang and pick poop... I can’t count the number of long distance poop pickers. Who have used mail call as a time to “just do something else” whether you are a busy computer manager or lie still in a nursing home bed....it has been a place to go mentally at least... —and I am proud of that.. it still can be that—we have a glitch to figure out. And I am on it


I can commit to being available at 4pm for conversations—apparently  carlie--- who feeds horses and my dogs at 4pm can somehow with her camera film my conversations— questions which I know I can find if you email them to me ahead--- my emails are unrestricted ( I hope). And I think my blog off the crazy acre farm web is not controlled in any way by SDP... going from dictation to print will be horrendously screwed up at times.... but it too will get straightened out.


So hang in there.

here's rudyard......