Thursday, May 18, 2023

 may 18 2023

every time i think i have heard it all-- something else comes round the pike....

apparently someone "out there" has asked if  i buy my own dog food for my dogs---- and  if not why not. .....--- because the purina donation is for SDP...
i certainly have. and would if  there was a shortage--and i certainly have purchased thousands of  dollars of dog food back in the good old days of  weekly trips to sams  with megan--- i would get a cart and she would push that flatbed cart thing-- and we would pile it as high as we could with purina dog food at about $38.00 a bag -12 bags i think fit in my car-- megan is strong...... $456 --- plus i usually bought the makings for the chicken stew on sundays another $100 so that killed over $500 a week. for many weeks ... mmmaaaannnyyyyyy.  weeks... ?years???
how foolish of me to assume i was entitled to  a bag of dog food as long as there was no shortage....and how kind of the persons to circulate that i am not... at the moment seeing a need to buy my own - but i certainly will if necessary.  i do work overtime to be sure Purina gets all the advertising possible from me and the  donation to us... down to the point of  if cookies are donated that are some other brand, i try not to show the logo of others and only wave around the treats purina makes...   that is one way i pay my way== using my name and  good reputation--- there is a monetary value to that.

so back to the friendly soul who has circulated the question about who pays for my dog food?...  please write the question and your concerns  online with your name and email attached....and i will figure the numbers  to more exactly  answer your  query... 
i don't want to brag ( yes i do) but  i put in at least 60 hour weeks for  SDP for 20 years-- and the last  2 "official  paying jobs" i had paid me $50 an hour-- the  fact that it may have been only 2 hours a week is a detail i will skip over.... because crawling around a studio floor to catch a loose mouse just does not carry the  impression of $50 an hour job........but then it is the perspective.  i was there...
  i know a surgeon who just paid $256 for a guy to seal a leaky pipe in his cellar which. took 20 minutes...( $768 an hour) -- this is why i am so fascinated with jobs where the person  "is always there..."  ------ does that boil down to ------ coming thru high school, you have a choice at graduation--party now or study now--- if you study now ( for the next few years)  you will charge more per hour later so you can party then.. if you. aren't too old...  if you party out of high school you will probalbly make less per hour unless you can get into the "emergency always there" group.  as i was-- with the mouse catching job.    armed with a. roll of toilet paper and strainer , i earned a good living on the coming of  THE  COMPUTER MOUSE  we all have  grown to know and love.

long live mike rowe--- isn't there an mike rowe university now???
 there was an Animal Epoisode  job...... how could i forget..... where for some music video i had to slide/drop  100 black snakes onto a table of fancy glassware-- and then be sure i got them all back....-- i don't remember where i "rented" those snakes  but  i can remember where i parked in boston.. and------- how i captured  them was to put a plastic drop cloth  under the tablecloth and have all the. people in the studio hold it up.  i hate snakes-- they move too fast...
 but for money?????? i managed.
now. as for the shortened "mail call" yesterday-- i was exhausted  for  no particular reason -- all i did was to go get janine's truck which she had left in the shuttle parking-- ?simple?-----now PLEASE consider how many  grey ford trucks  with keys on the floor are parked in a lot of 400 spaces... if it was not for her sticker of "ride a rescue" on the tailgate, there could have been an nasty accidental  truck jacking which could have ended with the jacked truck in my parking pit...