Wednesday, May 10, 2023

 may 10 2023

 it is moving  day---  after a good nights sleep, my head is so full of ideas I can barely contain it...   way back... as I was getting the idea of giving up animals in movies- after the. 15 rooster episode on the mystic tobin bridge... someone high in government offered me a bunch of money to produce a bomb sniffing dog.- and I seriously thought about it. – it was A L O T  of money... so I investigated hounds—and found there were times when myopia had “extra” foxhounds which were up for grabs to known people... I ( and Janine at that point) was not well known but known..---but before that idea took hold, an animal control person from danvers put a dane in my barn that danvers had no cage for....—so I went off on that tangent-.i think everyone will agree that between megan and I , we put out some really perfect balance service danes. We perfected the training method with “George”  and about 200 other service dogs.   that job is done.

And you all know about “Goldie” our Ghost Of teh Lefthand  Drawer--- constantly presenting us with ideas some of which are mandatory—others just suggestions... well Carlie appeared on the seen with strong able bodied S.O.  Mike.....– Carlie once worked at myopia.. managing 40 or so hounds—all loose together---- taking them all out for a run -----... loose in the countryside..-----  she obviously has some skills far beyond what  other people  at crazy acres have****** including me****** been able to do with all kinds of money and 20 dogs.... or even 3 at once.  Is this GOLDIE once again saying “pay attention to what I am giving you! “

All right—  I got it....shut  those doors and open some  windows---

Back to the concept of  sniffer dogs—


 They are in such huge demand – certainly producing one or two would be interesting and profitable- what would happen if we attempted to perfect the sniffer dog as we did the balance dog – and to keep these happy and socialized, have part of our training program wandering around the senior  centers and nursing homes--- that is not all altruistic--- the places are heated and airconditioned. !!!... that was a critical part of my service dog training... I did not do “cold”  then and I sure don’t do “cold “ now.  If we fail to produce the method of training sniffers we at least have used the dogs to liven up some pretty grim places..... where the poor activities directors are stretched thin with trying to entertain  people with a minimum of equipment.

 Now if we come along—with entertainment--- and the concept of setting up in places in dire need of something.... anything..( I feel like the valedictorian in a class of one—I ain’t much.. but I am better than the non existent competition.).

In the meantime... . I gave my word to Charlie- that  I would be  a promoter of his camera project.. as long as it didn’t cost me anything.....

 Sooooo....... promoting a super  thing to recommend in these places---main problem is the missing remote to solve..  I’ll keep talking... I need to find  only one person  of extremely high technical capabilities – possibley some 8 year old kid might even be the key holder...


How that fits in with welding. ????   I do not know.... —– maybe Goldie has some plan—far be it for me to question—and there is this guy. ... Jim.... who is a camera person “ of advanced  age” who is passing on his welding knowledge to me via emails...—and in the back woods you have the  rescue of donkeys  for the Pack Burro  racing project—which saves the donkeys from having their hides becoming some  face cream in China...

 Meanwhile.  This Equine Rescue Network. ( ERN) is a 501 c 3 charity- they do not need funds for payroll since they are all volunteers--- with the exception of Wallace --- an ex-bull rider—who gets $25 a ride to get on these sometimes wild  equines—he has not fallen off one yet—but is very amusing to watch him bounce around in the process of educating some of them.   They could use help with the hay--- and vet bills etc----  but no payroll expenses--- check the published 990’s of all charities .. looking carefully at the “expenses”.

So that is how it is going...

The paperwork and websites will eventually get in line-—but this is the projection for  the acres known to be crazy !!

 This place is always “in preparation “ for the next peculiar idea – so stay in touch... stuff just happens---