Tuesday, September 13, 2022

 weather report today. there    is a marginal risk of severe weather today.  couple that with a  note. possible flood warning for new york city. 

now that is a new one for me... NYC does not flood well-- all those subways entries with electrical stuff down there...     sometime in my career, i have read about the city functions underneath grand central station.. and all the water management that was designed without flood warnings...
 they are talking about  room for. people  to line up in london--- 

and while i am at it... someone calculated all the people in NYC/ manhattan could not stand on the ground --- i could not live there... i guess that is why i never have  - because that was the natural progression from newburgh ,ny ,  we even have a dog or two there.  eric and asher seem to be there alot...for openers...

scheduling of the trains is now the cause of a big strike...apparently being on call 7 days a week is the problem.but...even  the goat in the military of teh welsh  guard has 2 back up care givers... and a beautiful goat he is.. in all those parades.. carefully walking to the right side of his handler... who is marching in line... so whatever the goat does... and that is usually a  constant production-- is not in line with the  marchers to follow - 4000 little brown "pills" an hour.... 

 just got an email-------there is a rumor janine will ? ride  bud mom.   in a myopia ride this morning-- i gotta see that...... so i am to meet her at 6:15 in the driveway to go watch. my hay trailer has been already unhooked...