Wednesday, September 21, 2022

 SEPT 21 2022

Today I am going to try and make it SURGE day because I realize sitting here at this computer it is plugged into a surge cord which is plugged into a surge cord which is plugged into a surged tower which is plugged into a wall///and before I go through what's I actually plugged into all those plugs I realized they fall into three categories ----constant use. recharging use, and once every six months use.. and I have never bothered to add up the power Involved but nothing seems to blow .....    if I don't get control of the situation this last surge cord right here by my shoulder is nearly full the only way out of that is to add another one probably slightly higher on the wall.


then I hear Puerto Rico doesn't have any power-------so how do they recharge their  hearing aids and pasta makers? I am not sure which has the bigger problem.,,,,them or me.


Todays other...

I have a friend who just bought a horse who is absolutely perfect in 99% of the time.. but as I've often said most animals have some sort of memory which makes them behave in a very strange way and in this case this horse cannot stand to have anybody behind them------ he doesn't kick at them but he gets extremely nervous and crashes forward at an alarming raTE


everybody thought that very strange and I thought about it for about 2 seconds... I will bet a large sum of money that somebody who calls himself a trainer had trouble loading that horse on a trailer and said to the assembled people “I am a trainer......i can solve that right away “  and jabbed him with an electric prod.... and the horse  hasn't forgotten that... He will not forget it either....    It certainly looks to me like trainer error.   And I'm sure the people selling the horse knew about that when they sold it. so here we have an extremely accomplished horse with one oddball characteristic just don't walk or stand behind him,,,, and you can live with that.


 I don't know how many of you have had the pleasure of being stuck with an electric prod... I and my family have all had the pleasure of being zapped by an electricity for one reason or another......... and you don't look to repeat it..  I remember one day in Lynnfield I went out to the barn and saw that someone had unplugged the electric fence charger..  so I simply plugged it in... not realizing that my husband had been walking the fence – which he did not often do.....and , He  had his whole hand around that electric fence while standing in the damp grass and got a very good belt of electricity at which point he stopped walking the fence came back to the barn to have severe words with the damn fool who had plugged it in----I didn't know..  but he never forgot that.... it referred to it often..


Nother example non electrical but similar....panic....

Janine.  riding her pony tinker won  some pony of the day horse show we were at----  accepted the trophy and handed it to me at the gate and proceeded to take her jacket off because she was done for the day----- getting both arms tangled up in her jacket the pony didn't understand what was happening and proceeded to run away and buck tossing Janine into the mud ------ I could remember taking my finger to scoop the mud out of the top of her mouth so she could breathe.. Janine  never forgot that jacket business and just yesterday 40 years later...... had second thoughts about handing a jacket to someone about to to ride with the myopia hunt.. and she herself will not put a jacket on or off while she is on a horse-----some things you just don't forget...


And there are a lot of trainers... both dog and horse that do not reqalize that.... yet call themselves trainers..

All it takes to be called a trainer is some paper and ink.


A piece of paper will hold still and you can write anything on it you want to.

