Sunday, September 4, 2022

 sept 4 2022

..what's PPP.???  ....  around here it is professional poo pickers--- our cereal boxes cut to 3 x 6  picker - uppers with a grocery bag- perfect cell phone size--- for your back pocket... award winning design.....   made by our cp's to keep us clean and sweet smelling... should be "worn" by anyone on the property.   just in case...

we do have several signs "rules while at SDP" made by a very creative volunteer years ago who specialized in verbiage.....
if it is empty fill it
if it is full, empty it... is all i can remember
well... the final one says... if it is on a red golf cart listen carefully to it.
great strides Are being made with the portable chicken coop ---  which has an appropriate ridiculosity factor.. carefully designed by mark from the remains of a racing sulky.....and the parts of the old chicken coop...... but it should work and enable us to move the chickens around to different patches of greenery..   we will see..  something about the best laid plans of mice and men---or in this case rats and women.


I did go yesterday for another load of hay.. fortunately I was sitting there when the owner arrived at 9:00 o'clock..   this hay bit is going to get sticky.

people are beginning to stash it away..  as we are also.  just on the pure price of it I save about $300 per trip when I get 55 bales.  and it really is not much bother to grab a cup of coffee... and continue to drive north for another 16 miles...   where a guy named Steven will load the trailer for me and tie everything down and I can come back route 95 at 60 miles an hour.  The whole round trip doesn't take much more than an hour..... – to save $300???  That is a good hourly wage????

And then there is teh car......So I put that to our camera people--- and got the following response.


 From cp... JIM

It is 16 miles each way...going empty traILER IS 12 MPG. AND BACK WAS 10MPG
16 miles at 12 mpg =1.33 gal
16 miles at 10 mpg = 1.6 gal
diff 1.6-1.333 = 0.27 gal
at $4.29/gal x 0.27 gal diff= $1.16 cost diff coming and going.
you used 1.33 + 1.6 = 2.93 gal for the round trip, or
$4.29/gal x 2.93 gal - $12.57 for the round trip at 60 MPH.
At 50 MPH you would use only 0.8 x $12.57 = $10.06
A savings of $12.57 - $10.06 = $2.51 at 50 MPH
At 60 MPH the round trip was 32 min.
At 50 MPH it would take 38.4 min
A diff of 6.4 min more to save $2.51
or, $23.53/hr.
Regards; jim


Glad to see you all keep track of these things---- to be honest... I didn’t check his figures.  His calculationa do approximate my mental( while driving) ones.


Speaking of mental things while driving..  I had the joy of riding with mark as a passenger..


as I saiy to everyone who's a passenger in my car I do appreciate any assisted driving help that they can give me---- like oh there's a red light//or. there's two people on the wrong side of the road---- things like that..

 and he said//when he became a police officer---- or whatever he became before he became chickebn house builder.......--- he had to take a driving course that involved verbalizing or saying every single thing in and around the road on which he was driving...  he said it was an exercise to keep his eyes moving and keep them from hitting anything I suppose.. at any rate that is kind of an interesting thing to do... so I've started doing that when I'm alone in the car...  because next time he's in the car  we will be able to evaluate this assisted driving project.

So far so good...

first day of school- years ago with wendy.