Sunday, September 11, 2022

 sept 11 2022

between our 9/11 in  striking still shots in black and white  and the  live coverage of the  queens cortege moving thru the   scottish countryside i have just been watching tv for the past 2 hours...   the  live coverage has to be the ultimate in event planning.....

for hours now, there has not been another car anywheres near the  path of the  cortege... the whole road.. and the whole "break down lane"  is totally devoid of cars... and even within the view of the helicopter overhead...nothing is moving.  just the timing of  the leading motorcycle between villages has  to have been  carefully calculated. and according to the reporters,  there is a back up for the back up.
 the Brits are famous for  perfect displays --- this has to be the ultimate....  i can not imagine what will happen when they get to london.

the aerial view of scotland  has been fascinating ... from the rolls of hay bales to the ocasional golf courses for which scotland is famous...
 i rode my bike  on much of that road so far with the edinburgh physics group in 1957.  

so i will  go back to watching.... short doggie.  sorry.....