Saturday, September 10, 2022

 sept 10

a comment from the tv on the death of the queen.... somewhere i heard she had over 400  official duties in the year prior to her death... the last being while under medical care and 2 days before her death. ----  any way you look at it... it is a grueling schedule..especially when you have to. look perfect every time..


lynn is very busy with dogfest things... aaaaauuuuuuuguuuugugggg hhhhhhh    it is in a week????- it is a challange for me to get out of everyone's way--- bud has the pig pretty well "eared"  and ready for sanding and a coat of paint. and paint, and paint..  the only place for me to sit in my car and stay out of. the way and not make people nervous. ,,, is in the driveway.  down by the street. even.  ....


now of course........... 

on my dash board there are 2 audiometers left there from the "how far does sound travel" question as of a few months ago... having no other toys to play with.... i started in.... what is the normal sound/decibels  sitting in a car... with the motor running.. in the. driveway....46.. by the boat ramp....43.... by the head of the lake .....48...and at route 97, a very exciting  ,,,,,110 ....when a motorcycle went by..... 96 for a school bus.... but regular traffic with me 30 feet away with flashers on..... was a pretty steady...  ...  75 decibels...


i am happy to report 2 separate women  in cars stopped to ask if they could help.. more interesting was a woman came out of h er h ouse with a shephard type dog on a leash-- to ask if she could help...i think is what she was indicating.... i had spoken to her once before-----how many years ago... when i was trying to import Bobby from Hungary ...and it  turned out. we had one hungarian speaking neighbor ! she helped  then..however now.... here i am nearly deaf and she --- i think--- is speaking hungarian... but we managed a universal "thumbs up" and i wandered on.... backing up--- not hitting anything...  about 250 feet  and teh decibels had dropped to the 50 decibel range which it was when nothing was happening except my car running and leaves blowing  at the head of the lake (250 feet the other direction )  at 48. 


now these were not the precalibrated audiometers which i previously. had bought. to really test the sounds from our farm at a distance..i do own 2 of those "proper"ones. but have loaned them to various neighbors and town officials.  but i had 2 of the cheaper $20 amazon specials and they. were set up together-- so they were either both right-- or both equally wrong.


by golly... sound does. depreciate over distance. just like the science text books all say.  you all know that...."speak up .. we can't hear in the back of the room".  same reason... same formula...


try it—online. ----- Sound distance.  ---- they have an automatic formula to use.    Distance Attenuation Calculator.   It gets the same results I get with my    "elcheapo"   amazon  audiometer.


Or  if you. Don’t have one of those... try this... football fields have a 50 yard line in th middle.  So they must be 100 yards end to end... of 300 feet.-

Set up the making of noise at one goal post.  And   you will have trouble hearing  the noise over the normal wind blowing ..


So as I sat there  in the street withmy matching audio machines. I watched the numbers as any car went  by 5 feet from my window. 

 The reading went from 44 only my car running.  —to 85 as it wizzed by---- and refurned to 44 in the length of 3 telephone poles....


 That piece of information could be very expensive...