Saturday, September 24, 2022

 sept 24 2022

creativity is critical in all endeavours including dog training.... ( a required "listen to"  ken robertson of the TED lectures) 

So how do you train a dog when you can't walk more than about 30 feet before you have to sit down and rest?   you find a place for many  down sitting Places. All about 30 feet apart..  in my case that's ira Toyota in Danvers...  by now they know me well ----also we have 5 Toyota vehicles ---they like that..  so if I take one in  have the oil changed I go to waiting room # 1 with the pup and a down stay.. then I get up and go to waiting room 2.. another down stay-----  from there I go to the sales room which is full of chairs and cars and people.. down staying as I go----- from there I go to the service office for a quick goodbye and get back in my car which by then should a have new  oil.   So far that's worked very well----- pup #one was exceptionally good matching my stride---such as it is---Just needing more practice left turns..  my left turning place would be Costco..  with a shopping cart...  the second pup it was a bit stronger and my biggest problem with him was he does not seem to have an adequate “back”--  That's a very handy command..  I get out of the car hang on to the door so I don't fall over and opened the door for him -----put the collar on and ask him to step down -----which he does,... I now have one confused dog, two open  car doors, and at least three people saying “may I pat him..”    in this case I did say no because what I needed to do was to have the dog back up out of the way of the two car doors at which point he would be right beside me and I could have walked off in a straight line.. that didn't happen..

a confused dog is a bad thing.  This dog’s. solution was the circle around me which I've seen people do in the yard at service dog project..  dogs think running around you in circles is the solution to a lot of problems and sometimes it may be ....but .....they shouldn't do it until they're asked to. this pup just had the attitude of if I have nothing else to do I'll run in circles.. once I got that straightened out which took a few minutes to the amusement of these people.. I did get off to  the 1st waiting room.. and by the time I got to the third waiting room.. we were doing an awful lot better....   he still works a little bit too far ahead of me..   I need to have the handle of his harness directly under my arm.... and he must never ever pull on the leash..  no dog should..  in my case literally it's upsetting. in both cases we took a video and one got sent to lynn.  the other Got sent to the great mystery of lost in the Internet somewhere...  it was supposed to land on my e-mail I haven't seen it yet..  but it did show me handling the second dog with a leash between my fingertips.. in other words,   I was not getting dragged around by this pup...  which was his reputation.


On to the next.


I did get 70 bales of hay yesterday----- after discovering... That a shortage of personnel means there is no longer handicap service at many  gas pumps.... So in quest of a gas station I could get into with this trailer I had behind me I went past the hay dealer and circled back toward home finally finding a little old neighborhood gas pump deal..  where the gas was $1.00 more per gallon then it was at all the places that couldn't pump the gas for me because they only had one attendant who was in the attached variety store working the cash register.

Our local CVS no longer has window service for drive through because it too is minus personnel...

 I did deliver the hay to meridith farm where Elizabeth and Tim stacked it in the barn. Tim being the fellow that owns not only that place. but the place where Janine works..  or at least works from or whatever the term is now for working at home....or truck...


I am told our hay loft. is full...   that would be good seeing my checking account is about empty but buying hay like this,  gets better hey.. and the difference in price is 950.  versus 1350 per Bale

I am also told Janine is using 8 bales a day..   she better modify that before winter sets in..  and I don't know what she has for fund raising that's her problem.

it's saturday. i think.....--- i need to turn in the article for next wednesday