Friday, September 9, 2022

 sept 9 

with the passing of the queen, i have gathered 2 comments..
'there will never again be what was'
and i forgot the other.... something about don't comment or complain???  it sounded good at the time.

lets look at skiing... i remember bob newhart  "strap 2 boards to your feet and do what????" but people do it. they have a great time spending money and time.... until.....someone has to have a job of being a ski patroll.. and get paid to do exactly what others pay to do... 
great you say??  no... unhappiness and discontent   will seep in - the fun is gone .... it is. a job. and a job is something about which one complains.  and then ....... on comes the regulations...  person "A" had 14 minutes overtime at  18.75 per hour and never got  their 47 minutes 
lunch break to which they were entitled.-- so you hire someone to keep all that straight.... which is a long way from the enjoyable snowy hillside.

i dunno.... i did have a good time making a bunch of old people smile with 4 perfectly behaved dogs-- they were nearly as old as i am and totally enjoyed the dogs.....
so why doesn't the town of ipswich use that field next to the town hall ( and all these old people)  as a dog park... and let all the younger folk chase their dogs around and break up  arguments and entertain all the old folks who are  sitting in the window of the heated and air conditioned comfort of the town hall.???

because ... because...because.... there will  be 1000 reasons... and i bet  the first is. "poo picking"  

rough day already... and my favorite... a mam at 10:00
could be worse... could be a  "colo"