Sunday, September 25, 2022

sept 25 2022

to push or to pull... that is the question

I try most of the time to make sure that this daily doggy has some intellectual message and certainly yesterday's medical emergency might at some point be of use to somebody.  I don't know how many of the 2000 people who read this thing are familiar with canine reproduction, but I do know whoever designed that process was very inventive.  Yesterday's problem was that a neutered male was put in the

 I CU**** building between two females in heat.. I didn't think that would be a problem seeing as he had been neutered months ago----however...

The blood must have rushed out of his brain into his reproductive equipment shall we call it part one and Part 2... and the orifice in the covering device became constrictive so that both parts one and two we're hanging in the breezes.

Sarah Had done due diligence in consulting the Internet and had already tried ... vitamin E oil...  a slurry of sugar,  frozen peas. and compression with  wet washcloths... to no avail at which point I came along.   We have had this problem before and I have never had the compression with wet washcloths fail... so donning the plastic gloves I got out and got under..   I was sure if I could get Part 2 beyond the construction then part one would slide back in the covering without a problem---- The whole operation was a miniature version of doctor Pol.  trying tto  stuff the uterus back in a cow ----As I gently squeezed and pushed...  I could with difficulty also get my finger past this construction as I stuffed, but when I withdrew my finger all the stuffing came back out  On the outside of this construction.  At this point I noticed there were small chunks of something on my gloves.. and decided it was time for a professional.


Heather took him up to Newburyport vet--- our usual spay neuter vet,,, for an appointment an hour later--- they apparently did not see it as much an emergency as the internet indicated.....

I told Heather.. to take good notes so we could see how to do this next time we had this problem And when she got back she said that they had used a pull  technique when push had failed.. by pulling they had gotten Part 2 flattened enough to slip through a constriction and then part one was no problem at any rate he's back again on an antibiotic and seems perfectly happy about life.


so your second lesson of the day... is COVID..

the easiest professional would be to call Brian who granted is an equine Dr who seems to know a lot about dogs also. I've known him a very long time and I do have his cell phone so I called it..

only to find he's flat out sick with COVID...  which I nearly had forgotten about.. we talked for a few minutes and he described he really felt lousy and how he considered this part of his education because he had all the vaccines....and he said he was seriously sick..  ok...he is not one to decide he is seriously sick....    mark that one down think masks when closer than one cow apart.

And yes.. someone did throw away the frozen peas.