Saturday, October 29, 2022

 OC T.  29 2022

so many of the older homes   around here we're built with a stable somehow attached to the house------ George Myers old house was one of them and I found another one the other day I had to get some hay to betsy’s   mule or henny as we have to know and -----that is set way back off the road without much of a driveway anyway but I did get there with the trailer and the all the stables were underneath the old------ what was a-----mansion... I don't know what the mansion looked like it inside.   from tired but the stable was beautifully kept by a bunch of ERN volunteers so when I lifted the trailer and dumped all the hay a bunch of young agile gals quickly appeared to get it dragged into what was their alley between I think 4 stalls...


 so----- when we were building here in 1979 I had probably 15 years behind me running across the yard probably 50 feet to deal with the barn full of  4h. horses And I really wanted to have a barn attached to the house at least by a small breezeway of some kind just to make that dash for the barn a little bit easier..   and I was told I could not do that mostly mostly by the health department as it was unhealthy... News to me because I spent many of my waking hours in the barn anyway... and the guy who told me this the health department in his great wisdom had a cigarette in his ashtray..  well Oh no ---barns  we're not healthy ----They were dirty and had manure in them..  however you take that maneuer out put it in the pile and not very long later people will appear with buckets to have Some to make their flowers bloom///however


my next run with the health /building department was   again.   connecting buildings------ it was too have a covered walkway between the cabin and the laundry building and boy was that illegal and I'd have to have a permit and get a handicap savvy contractor and it would be $14,000 for JUST  design and permitting.  to even ask somebody to do it and all I wanted to do was have a clear path without having to climb over a stone wall In the dead of winter. ...there was a huge argue,ment about whether I was a private home or needed public access...   my house was clearly never going to have handicapped access  without  massive renovations.. 


I don't know how I got around that or if I even did but I I did put in posts and put a fence in and roll the stone wall out of the way and eventually put up some plywood as a roof and it's been there now for a long time it's not the tidiest in the world but it is a connection it's also a place to store firewood and things like that

it is Possible but not at all easy to roll someone up the hill and around back and in the back door of the cabin for wheelchair access..  I did put a ramp there... no I didn't put a ramp there I put a piece of plywood on some bricks... but it works for maybe 10 years now and counting--- I hesitate to paint  those some bright color and make it look cheerful for fear is somebody might notice it because it's not supposed to be there..