Thursday, October 6, 2022

 oct 6 2022

from last night's mail call... and my puzzle track vehicles that were such fun....  

Sure enough a camera person found them and found that they had been part of a recall because of the lead content in the paint on the bases -----well a damn shame because they were fun--- I tried to look it up with the importer and they have  said sold out but it was really nice toy I thought if I could even buy a few more of those little cars I'd like it because I only have two working ones and I used to have six. However... they had “no issues” with the paint..... and when I think of all the paint – lead and otherwise --I grew up with I thought at my age it was too late to worry..... started me wondering   did they ever get the lead pipes in???detroit??? or wherever fixed?  


And where do you start in florida--- words like water treatment facilities under water—bother me... because it is not just water they are under... just how much bottled water can we ship ?   oil is not the issue anymore. Water is.   I hear they ship hay from calif to arabia because they don’t have the water to raise their own....???


seeing as I owe the hay guy $65.. I figured I better get him paid off---- Janine tells me they're out of hay or nearly out of hay over at Meredith farm so I'll hook up the trailer and go with that this morning..


... I have a way of prioritizing a disagreeable chore into oblivion

seeing as it is getting harder and harder to get out of bed in the morning I try a new system ----I have a daily  5x7 card that I carry... folded in thirds--- also yellow

and I started putting on it a couple chores but I've avoided doing for a very long time.


Out of Bed chore of the day was to wash the yuppy puppy..  which after 20 years of dog slobber could stand tidying up which I now have done..... my second shore was that check the bolts holding my new bed together and I haven't done that-----I got one chore done...  that's going to involve pulling the bed out from the wall I should have check them before I put them in.


I did get a package from real eats and I have to admit they're not bad-----their meals are done up in vacuum bags or whatever they're called and they come refrigerated you can then either refrigerate or freeze them but they're very well made---- last night I had barbecued steak tips and mashed squash both were very good... the part that I have trouble with with real eats  is there web page ---but then again that could be me.  The simplicity of just putting those bags in a pot of water. heat them up is wonderful they can also be microwaved not quite as good.


My other report of the day is alien tape does seem to be holding up things that I have stuck to the wall.. I'm pretty sure I would not do as well if my walls were painted----I have a feeling it would pull the paint off the wall... but stuck to metal and doors and things it's they're working fine...


I am very proud of my clean yuppy puppy...  I don't think I've ever cleaned it before... which means I've been avoiding  20 years of dog slobber ---  but it's done now.

Carlene White