Tuesday, October 4, 2022

 ocy 4 2022

the whirlwind which is ERN's karen arrived here yeswterday-- to meet matt and halter break the 2 foals.  which they did work on... even getting both up in front of the. house........bud-- the light colored one is very casual... the darker, slightly younger is more tightly wound up... matt syas "janine's hunt horse..."  the other one huge pet?????? no. he has to work somehow.. 6 months in amish country might be the answer... 99% of the horses in new england just do not have enough work to make them take life seriously.  we feed them great foods-- grain and hay--- and most are in a stall at least 14 hours a day ... many for 24 hours a day.  with some amish time bud would return well cared for and would know "whoa" and alot of other things...
the amish feed their animals well so they can work....--- as you would put gas and oil in a car. but just as when your car no longer runs you get rid of it.... which is where janine's rescue comes in.i also note... we have not had one amish horse or mule that even knows what a carrot  or apple is.
they learn very quickly here !!-- i saw jen and chuck go thru 5 pounds of carrots after the board meeting....

bud is lovelly----- and if he stays lovely he might stick around for pulling cars out of ditches... or logs out of the woods...he will be huge--- which could be an educational pet ... if he stays lovely
to that end -- both need some surgery --  as what we do not need are 2 stallions...

karen also tackled  my bed problems and got it changed to the very sturdy iron bed frame... removing the adustable frame to the "G" tent wherre i am told sara might like it....if i could get it to revere....not a problem... back to ... how do people manage to live with out a horse trailer?

speaking of giveaways--- and our table on which we have written ( please don't take the table)  we had 8 bags of bouncy balls covering ie... now gone.in  48 hours.
 we have more things to put out
And having nothing to do at the same moment I was having serious discussions with Donna about credit cards getting in trouble I remembered Ricky Cargill---- a friend of mine in Lynnfield from Germany ---who used to cash her paycheck carry the cash around and pay her bills and she didn't have a problem in the world -----so I went to the bank took out some money from an ATM machine and figured I'd go try spending cash on another set of sheets for the bed since getting them back from Janine is a dubious operation in the first place. there are two stores around here which are called bed and bath I figured they'd have the best selection;; my only criteria is to have stripes so I know which way to put the sheet on the damn bed---- anything else I can live with ...they had the most amazing collection I love Egyptian cotton and weird things all solid colors so I took my cash project home I went back to Amazon where I could order some sheets with stripes.


To go anywhere now with cash is fascinating as you watch the various cashier's try and figure out how to do the change.


I didn't need any change at Dunkin' Donuts yesterday because I have no idea who the guy 2 cars  in front of me was but he bought my coffee so whoever you are if you happen to be one that reads this thing or recognize me in some way I couldn't figure out who did it... thank you-----It was a cheerful start to the day.