Saturday, October 15, 2022

 oct15 2022

i don't know how i am expected to be intelligent at noon to talk with these people in new hampshire
i have literally been awake since 1am.-----maybe judy drive and i can sleep????

this upcoming legal case has me running things thru my head...

i have tried to make a cronological list of happenings.. lynne ( nnova scotia lynne)'s 8 years of nightly noise reports is among other things... interesting...
like before 2017 the roosters got up at 4:00 to 4:10. religiously.  after that  it was midnight plus .  sometimes  the plane  fly over. at 1:46am   she did not miss a thing.... without lawyers permission , i cannot share it... yet...

7am heather is here to feed dogs.. maybe i can get a quick nap