Sunday, October 23, 2022

 oct 23 2022

Still loving percolated coffee.

OK...i have had to redo the shuttle system already today..... I have delivered Gwen to the shuttle the five o'clock shuttle it's a perfect way to go to the airport.... but we need to have a discussion on how to get out of the shuttle parking lot... I've been stuck in that parking lot before and granted my memory is not what it was when I was 12 but it's probably not worse eiter.. any rate I knew that you go in you take a ticket and you come out and you put the ticket in the outgoing thing and it opens the gate for you because it realizes you've just been there to drop somebody off and very sophisticated with one of those squares with blobs in it and I was all prepared to do this feeling very sophisticated explaining it to Gwen.   so I got my ticket---- Gwen left -----and I headed toward the outgoing gate and I sat there


there were places to put your credit card in which I didn't want to do---- I I knew I hadn't done that before--- a place  to get a receipt or refuse to get a receipt and then something about swipe your entry card here----- so I swipppppped.  thinking it was going to read that black square BLOB -----and it didn't and I turned the BLOB upside down around sideways and backwards and everything on that spot and it didn't do a damn thing  ----  it was supposed to open the gate


 so I got out of my trustee cell phone which finally has a flashlight on the initial screen that you get so I sat there poking at the flashlight forever.......well few minutes anyway and the flashlight did not come on until I sat it back down on the dashboard which came came on and I had to try and turn it off----- I got the cell phone straightened out but I could not see where the put this entry card that I had been given------ I drove back to the little house trailer sort of thing with one little tiny toot of my horn which I was very thankful that Toyota allows you to make it fit very very quiet little “   toot   instead of a blasting horn----- any rate the guy heard me and came out and he said  “ well you go sit back there and he said I'll come back in a minute “ 


I went back and sat at the gate and studied the directions some more..... I could see nothing of what to do and then he came out he took the little card from me and he swiped iit under the whole little machine and the gate opened------ how was I supposed to know that??f the fact that  the sign told me to touch my card to the face of this machine that I really had to swipe it underneath the machine to get the gate open --------turns out there were directions to do that written in very tiny print at the bottom and because the machine was a little bit old and things like that the angle on that notice was aimed at the ground so when you're sitting in a normal car you could only see the top edge of the notice and not actually what it says so I pointed this out to the the guy -----at which point he said that's $7.00 I said I've only been here a few minutes


Being in no hurry , I went into the “little old confused lady routine.....” ..--------- I said I've been trying to get this thing to open the gate for me for 20 minutes so he said he'd have to go back and get his MasterCard let me out.. I said that's OK I'm in no hurry I had considered staying around until a little more daylight but I certainly was in no hurry he thanked me for being the only person in the world NOT  in a hurry and he went and got his card to get rid of the $7 charge... Poker chip and tell him to go back at his little cubbyhole where he said he had access to the Internet so do you watch it get the right camera and you can watch me go home so I was careful when I got home to drive down to the bar and turn around and come back just in case he was watching..


I could just see the designer of that box saying well they ought to be able to see this well it was damn small print and it was angled at the ground it was dark out it might have helped if we'd had one tiny little LED light in the design Etcetera...all before 5:15 in the morning...


Yesterday's news Janine did ride in the hunt on bud's mother..  the draft mare---- so she is once again been hunted in the staffle by a lady---which is the advertisement  used for supposedly the perfect course for a woman to ride to the hunt.


after the hunt there was a hunt tea---at  susannah's house----Susanna is the person who donated our walk in freezer to  SDP.


Betsy...... owner of scarlet our dog...... rode in that hunt yesterday and apparently did fall off but is OK..  I assume she was riding the mule..  which in itself is remarkable.. never did I think that anybody would be riding a mule in that particular myopia hunt..


to be technically correct. The animal she was riding is believed to be a henny...   a. mule is the cross between a horse's mother and a donkey father..  a hinny is the opposite combination of a horse father a donkey's mother.. there are people who think there's a huge distinction between a mule and a hinney.  ..  but I find such a huge variation in individual mules that I wouldn't begin to distinguish between a mule and a henny.. 

 To further your education for those who don't know..   you can breed mules and hinnneys  together and with various other things but you don't get babies...  so when Afghanistan wanted  big strong mules for their mountains they used to ship  mule babies out of Kentucky.

or something like that