Monday, October 10, 2022

 oct 10 2022 

It is nearly impossible for me to write this daily doggy because I've been 104% distracted an e-mail sent to me by a camera person “bonnie”.  --she has wrecked my entire day --week--- or  year if I'm still around by sending me Damon Carson's business of reporepos repurposing he has a company that now deals in basically industrial waste things like 8000 pieces of blue rope 33 1/2 inches long... or my special diversion whiskey barrels...

I find that his collection of whiskey barrels which is primarily Texas and Colorado there is a place in South Carolina which has to be pretty close to one of my children at least..   when the kids were younger we had a whiskey barrel it was wonderful it was painted red and yellow and three children would fit in that barrel and roll around the yard... or if a horse got loose and it was dangerous I would yell barrel and they'd run and get in the barrel like it's like rodeo clowns and be very safe, they stood on it rolled it and walked on it hid in it----it  held things up--- got onto horses from it ---it was a constant presence in our yard

now I say that this delightful man Damon. has six or eight warehouses full of industrial waste of just such things like whiskey barrels..


 I'm reminded of the day Sheila came in the front door wearing a barrel....   that one was not specifically a whiskey barrel which are considerably heavy, but one that had been made for a movie and I ended up bringing it home I don't know who throws things like that out.

 that should have been stored in my hayloft so when I got some idea like this I could have pulled it out and worn it at mailcal I bet you've never seen somebody wearing a ---- Sheila did it and I'm sure I could.. I get I get very annoyed with people throwing things out especially if they don't they they can see no earthly reason to have such a thing ?    ----well often I can ---I miss the concept of having a barrel for whatever reasons and if it's a whiskey barrel that's all the better.

that concept does make for cluttered living which I'm sure might make an occasional hiding place for a wee Critter.. that doesn't matter.. things like owning a barrel I'm sure offered a great deal of creativity to my children at the age of six and eight... before anyone else told them it was silly or stupid. (? Back to the ted lecture of ken Robertson?)


I have signed up as a member of this repurposing tribe of people..... And can hardly wait to be challenged by finding a use for some of this industrial waste... and his write  up he does say that it is the farming community that can most often find some use for really peculiar things..

and I've said that many times before.. a good farmer is a genius at Jerry rigging... and very often is not constrained by conventional wisdom.


so here's the website   which is where I will be for at least the next hour/year    minimum purchase to ship those barrels is 4... however Janine has this huge trailer  going back and forth to the Carolinas.  and things like that.