Monday, October 31, 2022

 oct 31 2022

Sometimes restrictions  are good things---- not too often but sometimes---- as this morning I struck a match to light the fire in the Glenwood and a spark flipped onto my sweater I quickly put it out with my other hand which was not a problem and it only burned a little hole in my sweater --------well I remember back when there was a lot of clothing that was flammable


we were at a webbing in Washington DC when a guest reached over a candle to get something I don't know what and her sleeve got too close to a candle and her whole dress just flamed up... She was quickly dragged into the nearest men's room or whatever and I remember grabbing the bowl that was full of ice and throwing napkins in it and rushing into the men's room with the cold cloth which were then  applied to her burns and running out looking for more ice and napkins... before the ambulance got there...

So this morning when that spark hit me I remembered that and this sweater that I'm wearing today has 1/4 of an inch burned hole but it stopped there.


So... now having a working stove ... My next purchase will be a very small galvanized trash can with a lid and the handle because this thing goes through about a lot of wood which makes a lot of ashes and sometimes in those ashes there are sparks


I know that well because a relative empty the fireplace into a cardboard box one day which had to be quickly thrown out the front door of the potential disaster


We've had several noticeable fire episodes... and we do have supposedly at every door on the place there is supposed to be a fire extinguisher and all the people who say they like to come here and volunteer but don't know what they could do to help although some would walk around every door on the property and check the dates on the fire extinguishers that would be a wonderful thing to have a volunteer do


the most notable so far is the episode of Janine on the roof in her Victoria secrets best putting out a fire on the roof with the fire extinguisher just as the fire department arrive to help that's a long story


I have to take her to the airport right now.

 to be continued