Tuesday, October 25, 2022

 OCT 25 2022

this is not a medical problem.... but a problem with the medical..,....

basically... my cpap machine is telling me it has had the course and needs to be replaced ( it is my second one... many years involved) however......

so i called teh name on the machine saying .. it wants to quit.... they said all i need is another script... so i called my " primary" --- connected to lahey----- who i know is not the one to write the original script... the origional was a sleep "guy" at salem hospital...  however.  there has been a divorce......salem hospital is now linked to mass general and lahey linked to beverly... along the way... i went to a dr muggie- a friend of my husband's who. is mass general....  but lahey was closer and often had appointgments sooner than  the mass general loop..... i think --- but you all know my memory... dr muggie..mass general,,,, was looking into a cpap for me when suppies were tied up in singapore harbor.. and frankly ... i forgot about him...so now this machine is trying to quit.... i was told to call my primary for a script-- so online i left a message on this lahey site.
out of the. blue came a letter to contact dr muggie (mass gen) which might have been prompted by my appointment ?10 months ago? meaning singapore harbor is clear now. .. i opened it at mail call.... sometime in october?..... and promptly lost it.....now having contacted my primary care ( lahey)  and had no response...

meanwhile this machine which i am told is "rented" and they charge medicare--- and keep sending me "supplies"  unprompted... i was shocked  into forgetting what they cost to buy... but i clearly decided medicare would be preferred..

so here i sit... with. just one more machine controlling my exhistance --- JUST LIKE THE BUS STOP  NOT LETTING ME OUT.

just to have you  all aware of  "ways to screw up your exhistance".  someone put on my monitor a piece of paper which said cell 978 380 2399( OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT. ---a dead number...).  so..... having a new cell and need ing to change it in places. ,,, i used that number.. not realizing it was not my new cell number.. but close, -- that numer is on many bank records which immobilized my online activity when they would send me a message to my cell....
ok.... now.   try opening your online bank info and having them send "codes" to the wrong cell number --it has taken over a month to get access to salem 5 because of that 

it was responsible for  my closing an account in tdb.  which then charged me $10 activity fee .. making me 10 overdrawn--- and janine being helpful  noticed and put $100 in to cover  overdraft...and forgot  to tell me...   I ENDED UP GPOING. TO THE BANK....and the lady at the bank had teh attitude "and how old are you?"