Saturday, May 8, 2021

MAY 8 2021

have hairdryer... will bend.... time for me to put my efforts where my words are- perhaps anotehre goldie moment.... when a few weeks ago someone explained to me how to bend metal with hairdryer and charchol brickettes... and i went on to explain how to get them going easily with a chimeny effect.... it is always nice to have goal...( some guy named dan explained that to me ) so today...on the puppy hill the
-en area of all teh rocks. ( aka carlene's mental blocks) i will attempt to bend a screwdriver to the prescribed shape of a 1 inch 90 degree angle..

that will work to slide under the heavy rocks lining the new path so we can get them llifted and leveled.  must have fire extinguisher within reach...

speaking of fire extinguishers..... did you ever notice in the ringling brothers circus when they had lions jumping thru firey hoops, they always had a fire extingiuisher right outside the "ring" --- actually even when they did not have a firey ring, they had teh fire extinguishers on hand... rumor has it, that is an acceptBLE WAY TO break up a lion fight... or attack....
Is very closely associated with clutter will accumulate to fill available space... Because I already own one of these BUT FIND IT???? which is a very large problem around here and the way this works out mathematically is that the smaller the item the more times I have bought another one to replace it because I can't find the smaller items in the clutter of the tool bench in the yellow building it's no longer just the tool bench that's covered it's the chair --- the floor---the table saw-- and any other horizontal space -----somewhere along the line I have had a severely. Challenged group sit themselves at a table outside the yellow building and had them sort through all this stuff...  It's not as simple as it sounds nothing ever is---- because it's not everybody who can identify all the most peculiar pieces of hardware that's owned by service dog project.

The owning of so much stuff is explained by my philosophy  of --- hiring ---usually a man--- to do some chore around here and then watching him do it at which point I figure if I had all the power equipment he had I could have done it myself.. that idea reduces to go BUY IT AND TRY IT......  which has been tremendously successful with the possible exception of the nail gun.. I know too many people who put a nail through an appendage instead of  through a board.  I do own a nail gun but I don't think it's moved off the shelf in 10 years.. I actually prefer screws with a power drill and if it's really tough situation I like the screws that  have a Bolt at the top instead of be either Phillips or flat..   It's not everywhere you can use a Bolt top but they are awfully simple to use... plus with this Screw if you change your mind it does back it out and start again which is an awful lot easier than pulling out nails when you change your mind -----which around here I do often---- or perhaps you stand back and look at your project and realizTHAT something isn't anywheres near level.

Level -------as in buildings being level------ which brings to mind our nut house kennel has always been my goal to turn a hose on a keNNeL and have the water run out.. so that floor in that building is tipped significantly like over the 20 foot length of it probably a good four inches .. The guys with the truck thAT poured the cement for the floor thought I was crazy which of course IS right---- but I can hose that building out... what I had not considered was the by the time I tipped the floor basically in two different directions to get the water all out the back corner---- was that no two studs in the wall with the same length every single one of them had to be cut individually which was a little bit unique but by the time I got to the roof it was flat which was good.. another one of my building faux paus was the old eagle house which was only 8 by 10 foot and when I laid that out the diagonal was off only an inch and I ignored it---- but by the time I got to trying to put the roof on you would have thought the westwall was in the next County and I had an awful time so I do have respect for diagonals
which brings us to the yoLK house--- that bright yellow house for the chickens.. I landed that building with the help of a guy who had never done this before and he only put one nail in most of the junctions of two boards..OK.... it IS really not enough the HOLD  lumber together and I keep remembering I've got to go back and put in a few more nails and screws specially to keep the roof on... so as soon as I can find another college kid with the summer off or something--- we really ought to tighten up that building. THOUGHTFULLY....... a few screws with Bolt tops might forestall a disaster.. when I rode past that yesterday I noticed there is one piece of plastic roof that will fly off of the next windstorm.. all I need is more agile help..
 Now that I think about it I think I'm related to one of those...
With a little persuasion an offer of financial help the straightening of our fences and generally improving the quality really should be the goal for the summer.. we did get enough fencing up between the diegel house and nut house so that each dog has a pretty good run up and down a pretty good Hill for exercise.. but we put them up very quickly like 2 guys in a week but the fences zigzag all over the place. all it takes it's brute strength to unhook that very good fencing and try and get it in a straight line..  and at the same time what will also make a huge difference is to get rid of the chain link panels that are all over this property I forgot where I got them and they certainly were wonderful at the time but I think we actually have outgrown them ----the time is come to use the ---I think they call it no climb horse fencing of two 2 inch by 4 inch holes--
Which we have a lot of... but I will still have to buy a few more roles as I explained yesterday the most expensive part by putting up a fence in New England is the hole FOR GETTING  the posts into. THAT IS VERY LABOR INTENSIVE.  IF I GOT AN AUGER- THERE ARE 2 PROBLEMS... IF YOU HIT A ROCK, YOU GO AROUND AT 1200 RPS.. OR HAVE ONE ON A TRACTOR-- BUT I DO NOT DO "TIP"  IF YOU NOTE I ONLY DRIVE ON FLAT GROUND.. TRACTOR TIPPING IS NOT IN MY JOB DESCRIPTION.  

I mentioned all this purely as entertainment for people who are watching on the cameras so they could have some idea of what's going on----- we have a large number of people and I hate to phrase it this way but they haven't got anything better to watch thaN me trying to light charcoal briquettes in the middle of the parking lot and waiting for me to have some disaster to entertain them ---which could happen.. which brings us to Mind another goal of mine which is this somehow get all these black screens on these smart televisions reduced two very very simple operation because the nurses and attendants in all these nursing homes and hospices and PLACES  like that do not have time to replace and reprogram wireless remote they got lossed for lack of a piece of duct tape ----if any of you have any way of writing to the chairman of the board of any of these companies that make these smart TV's please go right to it and tell them that's nearly criminal to put a wireless remote in the hands OF AN RN WHO IS TRYING TO CARE FOR A PATIENT WITH ULCER SORES ON THEIR EET WHILE THE PATIENT IN THE NEXT BED ASKS HER TO CHANGE  TO A DIFFERENT GAME SHOW.  FROM  PANDAS TO THE AQUARIUM OF THE CHORAL REEF. EXPLORE HAS SO MUCH MORE TO OFFER...