Sunday, May 16, 2021

MAY 16 2021

 paula with her two tiny babv girls !!  we are very lucky .. they do not look is a harl !!    that was a tough call-- paula did not have any contractions-- or even much "nesting" bu the discharge indicated something was going on... lynn had already warned woburn we had a prego.. and had sent in her records.. so as to save time if we did have an emergency... which we did... and  we had told woburn do not spay unless medically necessary.   as teh c sectio progressed  it was determinhed spay was needed.. so that is done... and she losgt alot of blood.. so they wanted to keep her for a few hours to be sure it was coming back... i assume like when you donate blood.. you get a cookie and sit around for a bit... 


2021  5 16


In case you have not noticed.. we are not general motors.. where there are many job descriptions and  unions and contracts and paperwork..—but we are bigger than I was when I started.... however the jobs really boil down to assignments. And then priorities...if the watermain breaks or a dog gets loose.....or    the food truck arrives... everyone must deal with the job needing immediate attention... whatever it is;.l


Beyond that anything to do with computer papers phones is managed very nicely by Linda. Anything to do with dogs or people related to dogs is done very competently by Lynn.

Bud has absolute domain over anything mechanical and I as chief cook and bottle washer, I am responsible for providing these people with what  ever they need to do the job as  efficiently as possible.. with one eye on as cheaply as possible.  Sounds so simple--- “just put up a puppy pen” ??? reallly??? Here goes....


Here’s one......

We lynn, board ( George) and i---- decided to  concentrate on the  spoon feeding these pups-   as part of that one thing that has been missing for the last three years is being able to take the whole litter out for a walk when they would follow the trainer or somebody wherever they went on the property. And at that time we did have the V pen.. well we don't have the V pen anymore we now have a yoke house with chickens so the next piece of real estate available to still be on camera would be in front of the T tent.. start with not too much difficulty I spread loam and seed and sand.. it got to the point we had to decide on a fence.

this v. pen.  had had  one inch hex chicken wire covered with Polly something and it was wonderful and it's also nearly invisible which would be nice to have puppies behind such a fence.

At this point one of our lovely camera people offered us the money to straighten out the fencing which is a by golly and by gosh arrangement of chain Link given to us over the past 20 years it's a sorry looking mess.  mostly becausr as I was given one particular type I put it wherever it was needed so there's hardly any of one contiguous variety of fence.


I do have a lot of the two by four horse fence which was put up very quickly by some teenagers who didn't really know about straight line but the fence is there so that needs to be straightened.. but then there is getting rid of all this chain link some of which is super and extremely expensive alternately placed with the lighter weight chain link which was rusting.

Now. Lynn  having moved fairly recently.. has the need for fence again her place up in New Hampshire so I offered her the stuff I have it's take it all.  and and piece it together and she would save herself quite a bit of money..  to this  collection of standing chain link there is the pile of 10 foot hi rolls of chain link. Which Janine found by the roadside about five years ago   MOSTLY BECAUSE YOU CAN NOT THORW AWAY CHAIN LINK FENCE.. AS MOST TRASH/IROON OR WHATEVER IS GROUND UP... AND YOU CAN NOT GRIND CHAIN LINK...NEEDS SPECIAL TREATMENT... SO WHEN SHE FOUND IT BY THE ROAD... IT WAS DUMPED THERE I AM SURE.and with a great deal of difficulty got it all into the horse trailer and brought it home------ which was a good thing to do except chain link has a way of  bonding itself to other chain link so that unloading that trailer TOOK  weeks--- the stuff is heavy it's a good QUALITY chain link  and it sat around ever since in two places one is holding the arena skirt down and the other is along are very back fence line there are about 8 rolls all piled up and twisted together so the minute I see my way through to putting this all together then Lynn could make a pile of all these pieces and get it in our dump trailer which is 16 feet long and get it home but let me tell you what I need to start that...


this hex wire is ----from 20 feet away----  nearly invisible it would look so much better around our pond than the two by four horse fence that's there.. not only that but there are places where we could put that 2 by 4 horse fence to better use... Since I'll be ordering the three foot fence to go round the puppies it would be an appropriate time they get a few rolls of the four foot so that we have only one freight bill at a time to decide how much f 4 efoot we need means we have to find the length around the pond which we could either do by taking 3 foot strides or locating the 100 foot tape that's in our yellow building somewhere


Now I have lined up hopefully 6’2” grandson and maybe a friend who are physically very fit and can roll up that 2 by 4 fence and get it to where we would like to have it and then pound in some proper posts for this 4 foot tall chickenwire nearly invisible fENCE  sounds good so far----   now to be able to do that pounding means locate both the post pounder and a sledgehammer because the shorter 3 foot around the puppy pen and four foot around the pond is going to involve pounding in a sleeve into which you put the post.  the T posts which are now holding up the two by four horse fence will all need to be pulled out with the tractor and the short 6 foot chain that has the two different ends on it.. we do own several so after we get all that done we will need to put in the ends of the fence and then tie a string between the two ends so that the entire fence is in a straight line..


to do that we need to locate the kind of string used for that kind of thing usually bright yellow because it doesn't stretch you can pull it tight and it stays tight and we have at least one roll of that in that yellow building.  which which basically is full of hardware and tools


somewhere back there I forgot to mention that the tractor actually both tractors are very nearly out of fuel so whoever is organizing this fencing project has to know that they take diesel and not gas.. and that if you run a diesel engine an empty the engine gets very upset refused to run for quite awhile so we don't want to take a chance on that. and we need to get diesel fuel from a gas station that sells it and not all do -------to do that we need to find I think it's blue no yeah well yellow jerricans to take to the gas station and fill our tractors.


now that yellow building when I say it's full of hardware tools it is just that it's hardly room to walk around the floor with buckets of mixed nails and screws wrenches of all sizes in the three or four different places Hammers pounders electric stuff all plugged in and not plugged in it's full now I have a a table which I put basically outside that yellow building with the idea of emptying the building keeping what we need and can find and putting everything else down on the street that's a lofty goal because the table needs to be covered with that wonderful white stuff so we don't lose any screws off under the ground but also the seats on one side of this picnic table are not attached so either we have to look at it and screw it down tight or go find more boards which we have plenty and put new seats

So there you have just some of the details in “just put up a puppy fence “   so that. .. lynn...  can improve on the start of their training


we will get it done but rest assured that's not a complete list – but it gives you some  idea why crazy acres is just slightly off beat... to adopt the “ just hire some company”  mentality.... would break the bank.  Soooooooo.  Any of yoU  coming to visit in the next 3 months will  probably be  DRAFTED INTO some phase of this and hopefully by fall we're all organized.

let us pray


we now have seven lovely little puppies for which to prepare this puppy pen.