Thursday, May 6, 2021

may 6 2021

 there is sooooo much i just do not want to be involved with.  i am only interested in donating wonderful dogs to people who can walk with them.- that  article in teh ipswich town news was pretty accurate of teh meeting....  but it left many questions  unanswered.... as teh many  camera people have emailed me asking for answers....  sounded like we just turn dogs loose at night -   how to address the terrible  stress for staff  caused by even a single bark --and after 40 plus years, does a grandfather clause not pertain to grandmothers?- i  am told teh town hall has had many letters to all the participants.

as the days go by ... more and more details appear that  need to be answered preferably not by me. 

i can answer one... no the property is not for sale- also i have an agreement with a neighbor to buy it and i know she has no interest in  building high rise apts.
oh and another----- my health is fine- so the comment about "outwaiting her" will probably not work -- only minor parts of me are failing... like my hearing.
so....... wherever that rocket lands this weekend could make a barking dog  story be  worth not even one sentance on the back page -- below the  fold.
remember. my first job out of collage  as a math type.....was tracking satelites. so i have an extremely  tiny bit of experience
and -----for lack of anything else in my head at the moment...----- let me tell you  how it was done.  FYI.....
there was..... at smithsonian.... in cambridge....  a huge pile of "star charts"   these were 3' x 3'  black cardboards with white  dots all over them-- which were the stars and they were labeled by "area". we then had a film strip about 3 inches wide of 2 types.... either teh satelite was  a bunch of dashes across teh field of dots ( stars) ---  as teh camera was stationary and satelite moved.  or the tough ones  where teh camera followed the sataloite which was a dot and teh staars were all dashes.  my job was to line up the correct dots.
we were  usually given the  "area" chart that would probably match. ... with zero suggestion as to the angle or upside down. 
believe it or not with  hundreds of dots on these  star charts, some were sligltly  brighter than others  and we could use those to guess... for a long time. and finally match them up... there was a guy..? bill rhienhart? from ohio???    who was super at this-- he was ? involved?  with the harvard band and that big drum they haul around--
he was so good at  it that he would never be promoted to another job.. a good example of the peter principle.
i wonder where  he is now--- hopefully tracking the china rocket.

the only other  memorable detail---1959---- i was a math major and made teh huge weekly salary of $98. and my roommate, an english major from the same college made $50. causing me to tell my children and anyone else that would listen.. major in math / science and you might make double what you would make for  a history type major.
we have a visitor coming today--- he is on the new puppy pen/  tipi project.... so you will see him on camera