Thursday, May 27, 2021

MAY 27 2021

 blessed be the rained upon---i took a chance and spread fertalizer on both the pond area and flat field which really needed to be rained on before the dogs ate and walked on it..

now i can take teh spreader off the tractoir and get back to the mower/vacuum before i need the snow plowing device.
ok--- i got the instructions to go get the lump off my leg-- sounds like a camping trip-- apparently they cut tehn look then cut and look until they got all the margins..  EN SITE U   is the magic word i obviousely don't know how to spell. SO BRING A BOOK???? and we have no cafeteria because of cov... so pack a lunch.... how about a monkey fist making. equipment... last time i did this  i gave monkey fists to anyone who aided me -- eventuallyi had alot of staff "isn't there anything i can do for you  to earn one of those monkey fists???" and while you are at it , you may not be able to drive home...
guns...   i have 3. -- rifle things- in the corner of my closet--  i do not have a clue where they came from ... or  how to use them except to maybe hitting someon over the head with one... one is a beebee gun , one normal looking rifle, and the other is older than i am with the wooden poker to stuff the bullet down in order to shoot it???
now... if only the gun fanciers decided that kind was teh exact gun they must have , then they could shoot at only one target at a time.  and since these people with the wooden stuffer bullets would not have the hours it would  take to become a sharpshooter they probably wouldn't hit anything.
 i tried to sell them once.... actually  as soon as i was told that wooden stuffer made that rifle valuable...turns out i needed a permit to have them before i could sell them-- so i went to the police in lynnfield mas..... this is the critical part.....the chief asked me where i got them---i was cautious about ownership so i said they appeared when i married my  husband so they must be his.... at which point he would not give me a permit to own  because of some law about wives owning guns....or even worse trying to sell thier husbands guns.  

so i am left with 3 guns to hit someone over the head with???? actually. MONKEY FISTS  are also outlawed in some places ?? airplanes?? because of people swinging them around as weapons.... next they will outlaw toothbrushes in an effort to avoid dealing with the gun issue... i once read a book about the invention of the gattling gun- for war... where it worked well .. but now????
gossip  and the  interpersonal  transferring of information  has balooned in the same way as teh rifle and gattl;ing gun.-- 
ustabee one housewife would lean out her window and tell her neighbors who was sleeping -- or not sleeping-- with whom.. and as teh story went round.. it changed  slightly with the will of teh gossiper..... now   minus those people called editors who checked for truth in news......with facebook we are facing the gattling gun of the information  age -- totally out of control....stories get passed around reeking havic and destroying much in it's wake.-- the more ludicrous the faster and wider. goes teh "information" .. it only stops when someone uses their  head  and  says "lets check on that".  but we move too fast. no one checks anything.... and teh bizzarre stories get bizzarrier and bizzarrier...
when i was in edinburgh-- someone in this math/ physics group decided to plot anything with statistics involved ( also closely related to population) and the graph of those numbers became asymptotic ( straight up to infinity ) in mid 1980's.  that is certainly about when  too much too many  became normal . 

try cost of tickets to a broadway  show....  way back you could see any show if you were willing to sleep on the sidewalk and pay $2 for standing room-- even the most popular "south pacific ".. etc...  and the collection of college kids sleeping on th e  sidewalk became normal..  now you have to order standing room tickets 3 months ahead... and tehy cost $80...

the ad line... no longer can you fix your  car with a hammer and screwdriver now you need a computer...
the other half of that is    if you need a computer to tell you you have a flat tire, you get what you desearve.

we are soooo dependent on systems...  try getting lettuce from california to boston... i worried about the very few bridges over the hudson river albany to new york....... and graduated to  counting the bridges over. the mississippi river... there are not many...

i was encouraged with the tv  show on the urban farming being done in odd bits of open land in cities...all the way to growng lettuce in  those shipping coontainers in which we keep our purina dog food.

i better go get my knee fixed..
